Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Korea Day 4: The Common Cold in an Uncommon Place

OK, I'm finally feeling human enough now to get up out of the bed and write. I was hit by none other than the common cold yesterday after running around Naju. DF came in after work to find me all bundled up and sniffly. Not the best time to be catching a cold.

Oh, and Koreans think you should go to the doctor for everything too. DF's co-teacher wanted to take me to the doctor yesterday when I didn't even realize that this was just a cold and wondered if I had eaten something with pork or chicken in it that didn't like my stomach. Anyways, since I didn't go in to school with DF this morning like I had planned since I was snotty and cranky and just didn't want to be around anyone, much less middle school kids, I'm sure she'll be insisting that I go today. I have been drinking OJ, took some vitamin C, and am drinking lots of tea. I'll be fine, just give me a day or two. I was feeling this cold coming on before I left and I think the jet lag tiredness probably just sent me over the edge with it.

Oh well. On the bright side, I'll get in some knitting today. On the bad side, either DF or I will have to convince the co-teacher that the common cold doesn't require drugs, rather the opposite. Joy. Hopefully after sacking out today and getting plenty of vitamin C and tea, I'll be feeling good enough to go in with DF in the morning to show that you can get better without a bunch of pills :oP

Knit on...

And drink plenty of tea. Being sick in South Korea was not on my To-Do list :oP


Unknown said...

Your appointment is scheduled for Thursday at 1 pm. with Dr. Li. He'll fix you right up. He gives injections freely! DF

Knitting Magic Girl said...

LOL, yep, that's what I need. No sense in getting rest and taking cold medicine :oP