Monday, February 11, 2008

Finished Baby Blanket and Progress on Donegal

I wasn't feeling up to par on Friday, so I decided to stay home from work and catch up on the sleep I lost the night before. When I finally got up, I worked on the baby blanket until it was finished. Well, turns out it was a good thing I finished it because its recipient decided to come into the world a month early and was born a healthy 6 pounds and 19 inches long on Thursday night. So, we have a new baby in the family and the knitting/crocheting allowing a baby to arrive continues to work its magic. So, since this thing never wanted to photograph well, I give you a half-decent picture of a baby blanket!And to continue my bad WIP photography, I give you super-dark Donegal.You can almost tell that something is there...

Anyways, I'm almost done with the ribbing finally. Just five more rounds and I can start the real colorwork pattern and the sweater will start to move much faster I think.

On Thursday, I drug Erica and her roommate out to go see Hal Sparks at the comedy club in town. He was just as funny as the last time DF and I saw him, just a little more raunchy. I liked his clean stuff a little better, but he was still hysterical as always. So, I had to get my picture with him again!And Erica also got her picture with him.If I had seen the look on Erica's face in this picture, I would have taken another one. At least she has one of her with him!

That's it for today. Hopefully I'll have better Donegal pictures tomorrow when I have more light.

Knit on...

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