Monday, March 30, 2009

Some Beading and Some Knitting

I'm still plugging away at the scarf. I'm hoping that I can be done with it by Wednesday at the latest so that I can start working on Clessidra again. I'm trying to go through all the WIPs now without casting on something else, but seeing as I have a whole stash that is trying to tempt me each day, it may not happen. I am going to finish the scarf though:The striping pattern of the Noro really is wonderful and it keeps me working even though I detest 1x1 ribbing. It's really nice looking though.

Yesterday I also decided to try my hand at beading. I ended up making a rosary for my friend Barbie and it turned out really nice with the exception of the wooden cross bead. I feel like this really needs something nicer than a brown wooden cross on the end of it, but she likes it, so that's all that matters:I'm still thrilled that I was able to figure out how to make it with the wire and beads. Looks like some of the ones I've seen in stores, so I'm happy.

Knit on...

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