Monday, January 02, 2012

Yarn Aquisitions

While in Florida, I visited a yarn store called Knit! The store was worth the exclamation point as the selection was good and the staff was very friendly. If you are in the Longwood area, check it out. While there, my mom bought me some stitch markers (which you will see soon when I do a WIP update) and a ball of Zauberball in a purple colorway:This will become some sort of a shawl as I find I want the colors of the yarn to be very visible and not hidden on my feet.

For my birthday, I was given a gift certificate to ReBelle, so I headed there today on a mission for new sock yarn. I was organizing my stash to see what I had and was shocked to find just a single skein of Malabrigo sock yarn. In the past year, I have knit through my rather massive stash of sock yarns, which shocked me. So, I picked up three skeins:And last, but not least, my friend went with me to the yarn store and she picked out two skeins of Lamb's Pride Bulky for a hat that I will be knitting for her:So new year, new yarn!

Knit on...

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