Knitting mojo that is. I have to admit that I have been kinda blah with my knitting here recently. I finished a couple of sweaters and then was caught up in small things for other people and just didn't want to make another tiny sweater tonight. So, I pulled out the last WIP still on the needles and worked on my Clessidra stockings for a bit. Here's the sock where it stands on row 41:

I knit about 5 rounds on the sock before I got hand cramps from the tiny cables. I think this sock will still be a WIP for a long time. The more I look at it though, the more I just adore it and I know that one of these days it will be finished.
But there's something else under that sock. It's whimsical and it completely has grabbed my attention. I want it done because I want to wear it now! It's
the fish hat from Knitty and I cast on for it this evening. So fast, so easy, and so rediculously kitchy that I want to make 5 of them just because I can. Here's my progress on it:

Welcome back, knitting mojo. Funny that it took a fish hat to get you back!
Knit on...