Monday, May 24, 2010

Blue Blob

I have been continuing to knit on the Great Blue Blob TM this past week. I had a lovely SnB with Julia this weekend and was able to get through the clue 4 doldrums and am now working slowly but surely on clue number 5. I'm 4 rows into clue 5, and I'm really hoping to get quite a bit done tomorrow since my morning classes have been canceled because of midterm exams. Anyways, here is the blob:I would also like to apologize for the lack of decent photography on the blog as of late. I am in the process of moving out of my apartment now that my contract is up and my good camera is sitting in a different city right now.

But, that also means I'm almost done with teaching! Woot woot! For those of you who don't know, I am going to be returning Stateside in another couple of months. I'm changing careers and hoping to make myself more marketable to future employers by getting some new certification. It's a big change, but one that I'm looking forward to. DF will be coming back a few months after I do and we'll see where we want to actually wind up (or more likely where we can get jobs and afford to live).

That's it for today. The blob will hopefully continue to grow this week and then will hopefully fly off the needles in the next 1-2 weeks since I'll have lots more free time in which to knit!

Knit on...


Anonymous said...

Wow, big life changes! I hope everything works out well for you, Leah.

And the blue blob looks great! :)

Zabet said...

I have informed Spooky of your imminent return and she is very excited. But don't worry, we'll keep her until you're well and truly settled, though!! I also can't wait to find out what this new venture is! Will you be coming back to Lex, so we can see your sweet face at SNB again??

Knitting Magic Girl said...

I have been meaning to email you too and let you know that I'll take her back (I'm sure I'm going to be thumped a few times for good measure :oP ). And yes, I shall be returning to the SnB, so you'll have to put up with my angsty, sarcastic self again :oP