I managed to get the fleece skirted and semi-picked this evening. I washed a small sample of it to see how a batch looked after all the heat on it. Basically, I'm trying to decide if I need to wash this fleece in locks or if I can do a big batch of it at a time. I want to maintain that lovely crimp, so we'll see how the small batch turns out.
I also picked up one 4 oz braid of roving:
Tomorrow, I will show you the results of the skein competition. That should be fun!
Knit on...
Well personally... I'd flick the locks open and spin directly from the lock. That will give you the bounciest yarn EVER. But YMMV!
I would if Charlie wasn't so covered in lanolin. It's enough that it would completely gunk up my flyer and would take forever to clean up. That's why I decided to wash it in locks and keep them in tact so I can spin directly from the clean locks. Definitely needs to be lock spun though since it's so yummily crimpy!
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