Sunday, October 25, 2009


Just FYI, this next month may be lighter post-wise than normal. Once again, I will be participating in NaNoWriMo and as most of you know, this will start on November 1 and last for the month. However, this week I'm going to try to finish up the little sweaters so that if I don't get to making anything else for Christmas, at least I'll have those made up to give away.

This weekend I didn't knit anything though. I hurt my foot while running on Wednesday and have been just propping it up ever since. Normally this would give me incentive to knit, but when I'm injured, I actually enjoy reading much more. Just finished Born to Run and am now reading The Runner's Handbook. Gee, can you tell I would like my stupid foot to heal up? :oP

On the bright side, even though I don't mention my weight loss efforts much on this blog, I am now below 200 pounds. I haven't been below 200 in close to 4-5 years now, so I'm very thrilled with that. I also have to admit that the losing weight thing is making me hold off on some sweaters I really want to knit. I would hate to make them and then have them be too big or make them too small and never get down to that size. So for now, I'll stick to tiny sweater ornaments and socks :oP

Knit on...

1 comment:

tinebeest said...

Well done! I know what you mean with the running bug while you're injured: all I could think off when I was on the bench in May was running another marathon. I remember those days (both the injury and the marathon) when I am beeped out of bed at 6.30 for a morning run. Hope you're back on the road soon!