Friday, May 22, 2009

We Interrupt This Knitting Blog...

To announce that I am moving. My contract in Naju is up and I'm looking forward to getting out of this city. I'll miss my neighbor Barbie and my friend Jessica, but really, that may be the only thing I end up missing about this place.

On the bright side, on Tuesday, I am supposed to go to my new school and tour and see the new apartment. Hopefully it will be nice. I'm also hoping still that I don't have to end up leaving the country because of visa stuff. All looks well right now, but I'll believe I don't have to leave when I have a new visa and alien registration in my hands.

Anyways, knitting is on hiatus for a few days. Hope you all have a great weekend! I'll be packing. I didn't realize I had this much yarn over here...

That and a surprising lacking of Lorna's Laces. After Christmas I thought I had a ton, but seeing as they don't actually reproduce without money leaving my pocket, the stash has dwindled due to using them...

Anyways, knit on...

1 comment:

Janis said...

Good luck with the move and new job!