This is my knitting blog where I post about general knitting, crocheting, spinning, rants, rambles, life...yeah, you get the picture.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Pictures Are Coming
It's easy to get into a routine when teaching and forget that you're half way across the world from the rest of your friends and family. I had gotten into that routine in the past month or so and going to Seoul to play tourist was just what I needed to remind me that I'm still traveling, even if I am having to work to do it.
Anyways, I should have a finished sock to show you tomorrow too.
Knit on...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
And to Continue the Sock Knitting...

Aren't you surprised? No? How come? Could it be that my whole blog has turned into one giant parade of socks since I moved to Korea? Sure there have been random iPod cozies and change purses, but for the most part it has become all socks all the time.
I really will try to change that this weekend. Just have to decide what to knit. I'm going to the Seoul SnB on Sunday afternoon to meet up with some other expat knitters. It should be fun. I'll have pictures on Monday...and maybe there will be something other than a sock!
Knit on...
Socks, Socks, and More Socks

If I remember, I'll try to take better pictures of the finished product. It was morning and I was about half asleep when I took these.
I also started a new sock yesterday and here it is in all its WIP glory:
First, the yarn is Knit Picks Parade. While I normally sing praises of everything Knit Picks relatd, and I will continue to sing praises, I hate this yarn. The yarn has been discontinued I think anyways, and I see why. I'm not a fan of the striping colorway. I don't really like the feel of it as it's knitting up. But seeing that this is the cheapest yarn in my stash and that the socks are not for me, but rather for my coteacher, I'll suffer through them with the glimmer of hope of another pair of Lorna's Laces socks coming up soon.
After reading Wendy Knits post about how she hates striping yarn, I started to think about my own preferences in sock yarns. I'm not too particular about what type of yarn I use, although I will kill people if it helps me get to Lorna's Laces faster (er, not really, but trampling might be involved). Aside from Lorna's, I can take or leave just about any sock yarn. Some people like Socks that Rock, and some people like Opal, but as for me, just give me skeins of Lorna's and I'm happy.
Color-wise, I have noticed a lot of purple in my stash. I never considered purple a favorite color of mine, but there sure is a lot of it there. I'm a huge blue fan anyways and will never turn down a pretty skein that has some sort of shade of blue. Hell, I'll never turn down a free skein of yarn anyways.
I have been most surprised by the nice feel of the Knit Picks Essential sock yarn. I picked up a clearance color to make the Clessidra pattern out of and couldn't get over how good the yarn felt and how well it works up. See, told you I would sing Knit Picks praises again! :oP
As far as striping goes, I can take it or leave it. I like pooling sometimes, and there are certain kinds of stripes I like. This Parade is not one of them. I do like my Opal socks, and even some of the OnLine sock patterns. Although now I can't see a striping yarn without thinking about making them into Jaywalkers....
And now you know far too much about my preferences in sock yarns :oP
Knit on...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good to know police everywhere flock to Dunkin Donuts :oP
Knit on...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Misty Mountains and Purple Monkeys

I'll probably have a heel by the end of the day.
Knit on...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
TGIF...cough cough
I didn't have a button for this, so I saw a well-positioned hole in one of the shells I picked up while in Wando a couple of weeks ago, so I decided to go ahead and use that. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
Now I'm making him an iPod case out of the leftovers from the first skein of Lorna's Laces from the Purple Iris Monkeys. DF said he liked the colors when they were in the skein, so hopefully he'll like the finished iPod case.
I also have done one repeat on the second Monkey sock. I'll probably work some more on that today once I finish the iPod case for DF.
Hope everyone has a good weekend. Any well-wishes for a speedy end to this cough are welcome!
Knit on...
Hey, Hey, It's a Monkey...
I did say slightly less bad...
Yeah, I'll work on my picture quality for knitting stuff one of these days.
Just not today.
Knit on...
PS: Six classes in one day sucks arse. Thankfully I used the sick excuse and ended up just showing Peter Pan to the classes instead :oP
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Monkey and the Square

I also knit a second mitered square. I don't have enough Noro to make a third, but at least I managed to get two squares done. I now have a full block and a fourth done on the blanket. It'll now go into hibernation unless I run into Noro over here. Here's the curled up square:
The square really is about that dark. There is some teal in there that didn't show up in the picture though.
I'll keep on knitting today while the Kindle charges. One bad thing about an electronic book, it does need to be charged, and if you're in the middle of a book when the battery runs down, you really want to curse loudly.
Knit on...
Monday, June 16, 2008
Not a Darned Thing
Knit on...
Sunday, June 15, 2008

This is one of the four main gates (one for each direction) in Naju. If it looks familiar, it's because I took a ton of pictures of it in December and put them up on the blog :oP
For dinner, we went out for pizza and beer with our friend Ashley:
We ate a couple of pizzas at Little Fox. I also learned that while Korean Stout can't compare to Guiness, for around 4 dollars for a 2 liter, you can't beat the price! I'll try not to think about why it's so cheap :oP
So to show you what I was actually knitting this weekend, I'll give you some pictures. First, I started a new pair of monkey socks out of the Purple Iris colorway of Lorna's Laces. So glad I brought over a bunch of skeins of my favorite yarn:

Sorry the picture is blurry. It was morning, what else can I say?
I also made a makshift nostepinne out of a toilet paper tube this weekend and wound my very first hand-wound center pull ball:
I was quiet pleased with how it turned out considering it was my first attempt. I miss my ball winder though.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and did partake in some knitting in public.
Knit on...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A Couple of Finished Objects
I've gotten a few comments about this so far and I really like it. It works well and should keep the new iPod from getting all scratched up in my backpack as I walk to and from school.
I also finished the socks for DF:
DF sock love.
That's it for today. Hopefully I'll have some public knitting pictures here soon!
Knit on...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Back Online
Knit on...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Best Laid Blogging Plans
And just in case you couldn't believe that I could be leading a class of kids...
Don't know how much I'm leading them, but I'm trying to teach them to talk with a Kentucky accent anyways :oP
Knit on...
Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Koreans went on and on about how this was such a wonderful beach and how big it was at 4 km. It was hard not to say anything since I was born and raised in Florida where the whole coastline is pretty much white sand beaches. Anyways, it was pretty. I was pinched by a crab too, so I'll have a picture of him when I get it uploaded to flickr.
I also saw wildlife:
That bird was really fast. People probably were concerned at me and DF since we were taking so many pictures. That and the bird decided to make its nest right by the toilets. Anyways, we probably looked like toilet stalkers to most people until they saw the bird.
It was a fun weekend. I'll have knitting pictures tomorrow one way or another. Had planned to have them today.
Knit on...
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Look, a Finished Sock

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Once Again, I Failed
On the bright side, I am learning to read Korean Hangul script. I can now sound out quite a bit, even though I don't know what I am actually sounding out. Hopefully I'll learn some new vocabulary here soon and will improve on what I know.
Knit on...
Monday, June 02, 2008
Not Much Knitting
Hopefully I'll get some more knitting in today and will have some pictures for you tomorrow.
Knit on...
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Some Knitting, Some Studying

Again, sorry for the dark picture. I'll try to get better pictures tonight so that I can post them tomorrow.
DF and I also bought some learn Korean books. They're really basic and start off with the alphabet. If I can learn to read first, I think that will help later on with the spoken aspects of the language.
Knit on...