Well, make a hat! When I had the full ball of cashmere leftover, I was surprised. I asked DF if he would be interested in the matching hat from the Windschief pattern, and he said that he doesn't wear hats much anyways, so I should probably find something for me if I wanted to make a hat out of the cashmere remaining.
Well, I liked the Windschief pattern for the hat and I knew I had enough yarn for that, so, I made it for myself. Only takes about a day and it's soft and warm on my head, which is why it's being packed away for winter right now since it's 95 degrees today...
Anyways, here's the hat on yours truly:

I also cast on for Vivian yesterday, but there's so much going on with all the cables, that I can't work on it and talk at the same time. So this sweater is going to be my silence knitting until it's done. Hopefully I can make good progress on it while I'm still in Korea (even better if I can finish it here), so that I won't need much silent knitting at home.
Knit on...
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