Happy anniversary to the man I love! Hard to believe that it's been 6 years since our first date out in the arboretum, watching Robin Hood at the Shakespeare in the Park festival. For the anniversary, I made DF a pair of socks:

The yarn is the Austerman Step yarn I picked up in Seoul last weekend. He said he really liked the feel of the yarn and the striping, so I'm happy that he likes them!
And he got me:

It's sideways, I know. I forgot to rotate it. But he got me a sheep teddy bear from Starbucks. He hit my love of wool and my love of coffee all in one gift!
And it's soft :o)
Happy, anniversary, DF! Here's to many years to come!
And I will get your Galaga sweater knit sometime assuming I can ever finish charting it :oP (and for those who have just gasped in horror that I'm making a sweater before we're married...I have made him 2 already. Why he didn't end the relationship after the first one, I'll never know :oP )
Knit on...
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