Yesterday I witnessed something really gruesome and quite frankly traumatic. What was even worse was that the whole bus of 45 students I was with witnessed it and I'm sure the kids will be having nightmares about that for a little while anyways. I did find one comfort once I got out of crisis mode in the evening while in apartment: knitting. Well, knitting and talking :oP I talked to my friend Barbie and knit. I talked to my mom and knit. I talked to my dad and knit. I talked to DF (not knitting then since I was getting ready for bed) and then fell into a very peaceful sleep. I am so thankful for that!
Anyways, here is what I knit on last night:

Sorry the picture is blown out. Still need to play around with the settings on this new point and shoot camera.
That's it for today. I feel very rested now, and I'm off to ride my bike in to work and see how the kids are doing today. Knowing them, they'll be fine and will probably be back to talking about Starcraft again.
Knit on...
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