Knit on...
This is my knitting blog where I post about general knitting, crocheting, spinning, rants, rambles, life...yeah, you get the picture.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Knit on...
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Meeting With Old Friends

First off, there will be a picture up here once I can figure out how to get that to upload from my kindle.
The picture is of me and my friend Courtney. I have known Courtney for about 16 years now. I don't get to see my Florida friends very often, but when I do, it's as if no time has passed and we pick right back up where we left off. Courtney is now a crocheting woman so that just tickles me to no end. I should have grabbed a shot of her bag while we were together.
Knitting wise, I am happy to say that I am actually doing some again. I started the dragonfly scarf and am a repeat in now. I also started a new sock. Pictures will be coming soon for both.
Knit on...
Monday, December 26, 2011
A new device that leads to more blogging
First off, let me wish you all a merry Christmas, albeit a little late. The past couple of months have been interesting to say the least. The biggest issue that came up was my inability to knit due to a cooking accident that left me minus a quarter of a thumb. Thankfully, month later, the thumb has healed up enough that I can finally knit again. To make the blogging hopefully easier, I now have a kindle fire that my parents gave me. I will be playing with the mobile blogging features in the next few days so I am hoping that it will make it easier for me to update my blog more often.
Oh and in case you were wondering, the kindle fire is as awesome as they say it is!
Sent from my Kindle FireTuesday, September 27, 2011
Another New Thing
I am definitely rusty on my sewing skills. I wanted to just sew straight lines right now before I make the two skirts I have planned. Glad I did. Despite being slightly wonky, here is what my quilt top looks like without being ironed:
Anyways, that's what I've been up to. More painting will be coming in the near future, which I'm excited about. Also, I still knit :oP My projects are just in the boring stage now. I've got two more balls of cotton to add to the table runner before it's complete, so I'm chugging along there. Almost done with the first sock in the new pair too.
Enough rambling. It's 8 PM and I'm totally ready to crash and go to bed. Goodnight!
Knit on...
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Knit on...
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Stitch Markers
These are all for sale in my etsy shop if you're interested in any of them. I'm hoping to add some more things to the shop in the near future since I'm doing some spinning and I've also got some hand knits that I'm now ready to part with after making them. And, I may have a new obsession, so you will probably see more stitch markers in the near future!
Knit on...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
When You Have No Voice...
I figured today I would give a project update. First, I finished the next pattern for Fiber Fiction. I am very pleased with it and can't wait until October to release it with the next section of OtherKin. Unfortunately, you'll just have to wait until October to see that one :oP
My table runner is growing a lot. It's now about 2.5 feet long. Another 2.5 feet to go and I'll have enough to cover the table:
Next, the travel sock got a little work at lunch on Monday, so it's growing some:
Knit on...
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Creativity of the Soul
In college, I learned to crochet, and while it frustrated me to no end that I didn't pick it up quickly, I would create when I was sad, stressed, or even on the rare occasion I was bored.
Now, I have many creative outlets. I knit, crochet, spin, paint, write, take pictures, and sometimes I even still draw. I've been contemplating creativity as an outlet of the soul the past few days because I have been watching a friend of mine go deeper and deeper into a funk. It has made me thankful for the blessing I have been given to have such a deep sense of creativity. I use creating as a way to commune with my Creator. Since I was made in the image of the Creator, it only makes sense for me to create.
I suppose I have been in a contemplative mood given that today is the anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the situation with my friend. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who were affected that day directly by the loss of a family member or friend. My thoughts and prayers also go out for the nation I call home.
I think it's time to create again.
Knit on...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Painting, Not Knitting
So off we went to Michael's Craft Store and bought some acrylic paints and an economy pack of brushes. We didn't feel like we wanted to spend much on this, so didn't bother to get the good oil paints that Bob Ross recommends. She already had the canvas sitting at her house, so paint in hand, we went there.
We listened to the soothing voice of Bob Ross over the next couple of hours, creating our own little world that was supposed to be an autumn stream, but for me, ended up turning into an autumn lake instead. Then, to make our own truly unique happy trees, we did the next logical step: add glitter to the wet paint.
And so, I give you my first true painting that was not done by a paint by number:
Knit on...
Happy trees...RIP, Bob Ross
Thursday, September 08, 2011
A Scaly Table Runner and Dishcloths
Speaking of dishcloths, I made about 10 this week:
Oh, and I'm also painting. You will get pictures of that later on :oP
Knit on...
Monday, September 05, 2011
Knittin' and Spinnin'
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Knit n' ROCK
Tomorrow, I'll show you what craftiness I have been up to here recently. Right now though, I should probably do laundry so I have clean clothes for the upcoming week.
Knit on...
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Happy Birthday to ReBelle
To celebrate, there were cupcakes:
When I went up to the register and wished them a happy birthday, I received 10% off my purchase (I would have said this anyways, but on facebook, they had told everyone about the 10% off deal). Then I got to pick a prize out of the basket and scored a sample of lavender Eucalan wool wash. To just put icing on the cupcake, I then was able to draw a random prize out of the bag and came out with a Lamb's Pride printed nail file. All in all, such a great experience!
I congratulate these two. It's a rough economy, but they have made it work by providing a welcome atmosphere and the products that knitters and the community want. If you're not local, check out their website by clicking here.
And here is my score for the day:
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Catch Up
First, there has been knitting and crocheting as evidenced by:
That's it on the knitting/crocheting side of life. Now I'll catch you up on the rest.
I had a couple of big life events happen in the past two months. At the end of June, my great-grandmother passed away. She was the only other fiber artist in my family, so I had a special connection with my Granny Johnson. When we were cleaning out her things at the nursing home, I cam across the Herbivore shawl I had made for her. Turns out she wore it a lot and would wrap it around her shoulders at night to keep warm since she was always cold. I also found her cotton stash, which she was using to make dishcloths. The dishcloths pictured above are made out of some of that cotton. She had a stroke a few years back that left her unable to knit, but she was determined that she would crochet instead with her arm that still worked. She crocheted until the day she died.My parents flew in for the funeral and we had a big family gathering. It was a nice service and she will be greatly missed. She lived a long life though and I was very fortunate to have known her and to have really had a relationship with my great grandmother.
A few weeks passed, and then a big thing happened: DF came back from Korea for a visit! It was wonderful to get to spend two weeks with him, although they went by quickly. I was very sad to see him go through security at the airport and I stayed in a funk up until now. I'm still sad he's gone, but work has been keeping me busy, so I go on my daily grind.While he was here, we did all kinds of fun things. We went to King's Island, which was my first trip there. It was a fun time for sure. We also went to Mammoth Cave:DF and I became friends with our tour guide that day!
We also went on a tour of a bourbon distillery:
Thank you, Ann McGinty for braving the wilds to bring Kentucky such a wonderful invention!
And that about catches you up. DF and I had a few other side trips in there while he was here, but nothing with pictures. It was a wonderful two weeks and I was sorry to see them end.
But now, I want to get back to the knitting. Catch you all on here again real soon!Knit on...
Monday, June 13, 2011
Flick, Flick, Flick
So, I've been flick carding the washed locks. I've done about a third and have the other third left to card. So, it's boring by blogging standards.
I have also been knitting some. I have been working on the Corrie Fair Isle Vest from Knit Picks, but I haven't had much time to devote to the colorwork. I do adore the patterning on this vest though and I'll get some pictures of it here soon.
I have also been working on a pair of socks. Just plain vanilla socks, but they travel well, which is what I was wanting. I've been putting in quite a bit of overtime at work again, so by the time I get home, I rarely feel like doing much of anything aside from fixing dinner (tonight was baby zuchinni, garlic, and briesling stir fry, and it was yummy), so I try to knit a little bit at lunch when I get the chance. Today there was no knitting at lunch since I had to take a shorter one because of prepping for a presentation this afternoon.
But tonight, you guessed it, there was flicking.
Flick on..., er, I mean knit on...
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Fleece, Fleece, Everywhere
And because I am adoring my Citron, here's another picture just for fun:
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Blue Ribbons and Citron
I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I should have taken a picture of the shawl when it was blocked out nice and straight, but sadly, I didn't. You can still see the color repeats wonderfully in this shot though. I adore the Crazy Zauberball yarn, and it took up all but a couple of yards of one ball to make this shawl.
That's it for today. Hm, now what should I make?
Knit on...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Charlie and Fiber Festival
I managed to get the fleece skirted and semi-picked this evening. I washed a small sample of it to see how a batch looked after all the heat on it. Basically, I'm trying to decide if I need to wash this fleece in locks or if I can do a big batch of it at a time. I want to maintain that lovely crimp, so we'll see how the small batch turns out.
I also picked up one 4 oz braid of roving:
Tomorrow, I will show you the results of the skein competition. That should be fun!
Knit on...
Monday, May 16, 2011
I realize now that all my creativity had been flowing into my new place. This is not a bad thing, since my place looks awesome and it's now all set up for DF's return, whenever that ends up being. My stash is organized, the spinning wheel is adding a lovely touch to the living room, and my kitchen is fully stocked and I'm loving being able to cook in my own place. I unpacked the last box on Wednesday evening, and I even knit a little bit on Thursday before the Sisters Provocateur show. Friday, I spent the evening with family, and then Saturday, a brief trip to the farmers market, some cooking for the week, and then I wound up on the farm by Saturday afternoon.
Tonight, I will work on Citron. I even have a little desire to write right now, but not enough to postpone the work on the Citron. The past two months have been so chaotic with random family pop-overs, tornadoes, flooding, and the constant need to organize my crap. But now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The creativity is starting to bubble up again, and the pointy sticks are calling. I'll probably finish Citron by this weekend and hopefully will be able to wear her to the fiber festival. I'll have some pictures in the coming days, but for now, just know, that creativity is once again my friend. For those of you who have also hit the creative doldrums, just know that it too shall pass. Sometimes it just takes seeing baby robins and their pissed off mother, or five baby horses bouncing up and down in the fields to spark it.
Knit on...
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Citron Grows
It's like a rainbow wedge of citrus. I think this pattern is aptly named!
When not knitting, I have been cooking. This weekend, I made this:
I call this 3 P chowder. It's Pea, Potato, and Parrotfish.
If you've never had parrotfish before, it's super yummy and holds up to making chowder extremely well!
Up next, more Citron!
Knit on...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The State of the Knitting
1. Farmer's Market opened on Saturday. I had been looking forward to this for months and planning out what I would get depending on how good the growing season was. I bought greens, green beans, cheese, jam, and herb seedling this past week. Who knows what this Saturday will bring!
2. We're in training again at work, and two people have been out for the past week on top of that, so once again, I've been pulling 50 hour weeks. Hopefully this week will not be a 50 hour week, but who knows.
3. Because of number 2, I have crashed as soon as I get home, watched Iron Chef and Cupcake Wars, and then died for the night.
4. My family keeps bringing me furniture. So if I'm not already dead when I get home, I am after moving around stuff.
Ok, enough of me making excuses. I did get to work on the shawl some this weekend, just not enough to document in pictures. Hopefully I'll get some done here soon and can get some pictures up here for you by the weekend.
Knit on...
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
I haven't finished it yet, but I have finally taken a very bad picture of the knitted item and can at least show you the color scheme of the knit. So without further ado, here is the Citron in progress. I'm on section 4 right now:
The yarn is Crazy Zauberball in what I'm calling the Tropics colorway. Not sure which colorway it actually is since the label is now long gone, but I like it a lot.
That's it for today. Hopefully more progress here soon.
Knit on...
Saturday, April 02, 2011
And The Winner Is...
I'll figure out what I'm going to start working on in the next day or so, but in the meantime, the latest issue of Fiber Fiction is now live. Here is the pattern for OtherKin part two:
Knit on...
Thursday, March 31, 2011
A Finished Sweater
The yarn is Knit Picks Merino Style for the green and the brown is Patons Classic Wool. I was just a little short on the green, so decided for a contrasting color for the button band. The buttons themselves are a green paisley print and I'm rather fond of them.
That's it for tonight. Tune in tomorrow when there will actually be a Fiber Fiction release!
Knit on...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
A Project
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Why, Hello, World!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
First, Hawaii is as beautiful as everyone says it is:
Second, volcanoes are awe-inspiring:
Lastly, when you haven't seen your fiance in over 5 months, the trip turns out to be wonderful if for no other reason than to be with him again: