Yesterday, I went over to DF's mom's home and we celebrated Christmas a little late courtesy of me being out of the country and then coming down with a couple of waves of respiratory crap. So, now that I am well and they have time, we decided to get together and open up some presents. They all really liked their presents from DF that were Korean-related and they liked the stuff I made them. I still want to make DF's mom another pair of socks, so the current socks may end up being for her. Speaking of, here's the sock in progress:

I'm done with the ribbing now and am starting to work the leg of it. Hopefully it'll start going a little faster now.
So, this year when asked what I wanted for Christmas, I told DF's family to head over to ReBelle and that Robyn or Sarah would be able to tell them what kinds of yarn that I like and they could pick out anything there and I'd be very happy. They did that and I wound up with all kinds of yarny goodness this year. First up, DF's mom gave me Noro Silk Garden:

Robyn or Sarah, whichever of you pointed them towards the Noro, bless you :oP Her boyfriend gave me a skein of Noro Silver Thaw which I have never used before, but I found myself petting the skeins absent-mindedly last night because of the angora in it:

Then I was given some Online sock yarn from DF's aunt, cousin, and mom:

Last, but not least in the yarn gifts was two skeins of Lorna's Laces in the Purple Club colorway. I knew that they wouldn't be able to go into ReBelle without either Robyn or Sarah telling them about my obsession with Lorna's Laces and how I hoard it :oP

To top off the evening, there was a present from DF sitting at the house, waiting for me. I had an inkling about what this might be, but when I opened it, I was still in awe from the beauty of the present:

This picture doesn't do them justice. It's the Harmony Wood Options needle tips from Knit Picks. Now, if you've been reading this blog for very long, you'll know by now that I am an Options pusher. I love these needles. They are the best thing that ever happened to my knitting aside from the day I learned to purl. They are sharp enough that I could seriously hurt myself if I fell on them and they really have sped up my knitting. When I saw that they came out with wooden tips, I knew I wanted those too. I normally don't like wooden needles, but these are sharp, they're pretty rigid, which is what I need since I'm notorious for bending even metal needles. These rock. DF is awesome. Last night was fun. It was like getting to open my own little mini yarn store for a night.
I'm thankful for all the good and loving people around me who know me entirely too well now. My parents fueled my photography bug this year by getting me a new Nikon D40x camera which I love and don't seem to want to put down. DF's family gave me yarn that I still want to keep petting. DF gave me beautiful jewelry, a video game, needles, and a pillow which really hit all my interests and likes. I didn't need to get gifts to know that all these people love me, and I'm thankful for that. I'm also very thankful for the gifts from everyone.
But now I need to get to work I suppose. Lunch time will be more petting of yarn and probably working on Donegal some since I'll have an hour block of time. That sweater needs at least an hour block of time because of the color changes. Hard to justify just a few stitches here and there with it.
Knit on...