Thursday, August 09, 2007

My Toof, My Toof!

OK, so only a few people may get that reference, but yesterday I was out of the office with a tooth problem. I woke up in the morning and my jaw was so sore that I could hardly open it. Turns out that it's a wisdom tooth that has decided to go and get the gum around it all infected. So, I spent a good 4 hours in various dentists offices trying to get the tooth taken care of. Finally, I was referred to an oral surgeon who will have to yank all four of my wisdom teeth out on Monday.


No pictures today, I'm too drugged up and my tooth still hurts really bad.

Knit on...

1 comment:

Erica said...

Oy. I remember getting MY 4 wisdom teeth all out at once. Warning: DON'T allow funny people to come hang out w/you the first couple of days afterwards unless you want to hold your mouth closed when you laugh; laughing HURTS....