Thursday, August 02, 2007

Still Stitching and Bitching

Yeah, so I still knit a little yesterday on my grandma's sock and started the toe decreases. That's all the knitting I got done. Instead, I stitched on the never-ending dragon cross-stitch. Here's how it's looking so far:Once the tail is completed, all I have left is a border and then it's done. I'm actually looking forward to finishing this cross-stitch since I've only been working on it for about 5 years now...

In some other news, I was looking at some fashion websites yesterday at lunch since someone told me that knitwear would be popular this fall. I was intrigued and I went and saw this...This alone inspires me to go burn all the size 50 needles in the world...

This sweater would be perfect fodder for You Knit What if they were still working on it. Anyways, I'll leave you with that wonderful piece of fug there.

Knit on...

1 comment:

Noneofyourbusiness. said...

That is unbelievable. That is SUCH a waste of yarn... and of course the time that it would take to knit it!
Your cross stitch is looking great! :)