Yesterday when I got home from work, I saw a package sitting on my bed. I knew almost immediately that it must be from my Vacation Swap pal since she said she mailed it on Friday. I put down my things and ripped into the box and found all kinds of goodies! She really spoiled me on this one!

First things first, there were some edible goodies. Pure sugar cane (I had never had this before and it rocks!), Guava cookies (also good, I had to sample everything!), and chocolate covered macadamia nuts (I didn't think the nuts themselves could get any better until I tasted chocolate covered macadamias!).

Hawaiian potholder and matching coasters. These are really pretty and I know I'll be using these. The kitchen potholder has about had it, so this will make a lovely replacement for it.

A Hawaiian calendar, big tote bag, vinyl stickers, and some ginger guava lip balm. The calendar reminds me of why I want to visit there and the tote bag was able to hold all my projects last night when I drug a bunch to SnB at Jane's.

Of course there was yarn! This is a hand-dyed sock yarn called Bearfeet in the evergreen colorway. It's got lovely blues, purples, and greens in it and of course my camera picks them up about as easily as it is to get the roof on our building fixed by the university. It's really lovely and I can't wait to start working with it once I get the latest pair of Jaywalkers off the needles.
Yesterday when I went to ReBelle, I was on a mission. I needed to find yarn for DF's Christmas present. I hunted and hunted for a good pattern that wasn't outrageously colored or anything that would remind me of the first sweater I made him (shivers still run down my spine and the knowledge that I made that. It's amazing our relationship survived :oP ). So, I can't post what pattern I'll be using since he reads my blog, but I can show you the yarn.

That's nine hanks of Cascade 220 in a gray-blue colorway. It's already better than the last sweater I made him since it's made out of good yarn. Here's a close-up of the yarn.

I worked on the new project some last night at SnB as well as the never ending baby blanket. Since I still had everything packed in the big Hawaiian tote, I just brought them all to work with me today so that I can work some more on them. I'm hoping by tonight that I can be done with the baby blanket. We'll see how ambitious I am tonight when it comes to the single crocheting.
Last night, Jessi also brought me her wedding dress to try on. After some tugging and pulling, it was on and I loved it! It looks great and it fit like a glove. Even if I lose some more weight, it'll just look better, so I'm happy to already have that taken care of. I would show pictures, but again, DF reads my blog, so if you want to see a picture of me in it, just email me and I'll send it to you.
Knit on...