This is my knitting blog where I post about general knitting, crocheting, spinning, rants, rambles, life...yeah, you get the picture.
Monday, April 30, 2007
The Weekend...Pictures Tomorrow
Friday I took a half day at work and went to the last day at Keeneland. Once again, I didn't win a single bet, but after three consecutive trips there without cashing in a ticket, I'm getting used to it...DBF did pretty good and came out ahead, so that was good. After Keeneland, DBF and I went back to work to pick up Kathy. DBF won tickets to go see the Lippezaner Stallions for Friday night for four people, so we took Kathy with us. We all enjoyed seeing the horses, and I think we were all glad that it was free. After the show, we crashed.
Saturday, DBF and I ran in the 5k. I ran the whole way. DBF walked/ran the whole thing, but I was running slow enough that he didn't get behind on the walking parts :oP I finished my first 5k in 45 minutes which is pretty darned slow, but I figure that I can only get better from there :oP The rest of the day, DBF and I just sacked out. I did break down and get a new pair of running shoes though. The cheapy Walmart shoes I had been running in were killing my toes and feet in general, so I broke down and got a good pair at the local running shop.
Sunday, DBF and I went to see a production of The Music Man that one of his cousins was playing in. His cousin was a salesman, but not Harold Hill. We went to church, had lunch, went to the play, then got home about 9 last night. I did knit while in the car, so I'm hoping that I can finish a pair of socks tonight and have another finished object to show you all tomorrow.
There was my weekend in a nutshell. Plenty of pictures tomorrow, I promise.
Knit on...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
When An Offer Seems To Good...
I told them I wanted to cancel the order and Pissy Peter got all huffy with me saying that I wouldn't be able to find a better deal on this camera. Well, of course I won't be able to find one this cheap, but hell, this may seem like a strange concept, but I would like my camera to be in my native language. When I told him I wanted to cancel the order, he said "Fine!" and then hung up the phone on me!
Not the way to deal with customers. I may have bought memory cards and such from them in the future if they had treated me better. But, for now, I want to just leave a little warning for you all. The company is They will try to pressure you into stuff that you don't want and they get all pissy if you want to cancel the order. Good news is that my credit card was not charged and I didn't get stuck with a bad camera. Lesson learned. I'll be getting a D40x from B&H photo if I do go buy a digital any time soon. I think this also may have been God's way of telling me to use that tax refund towards the credit cards.
On a lighter note, I finished my first 5K today! I ran the whole thing, in about 45 minutes! DBF ran/walked it with me, but I'm such a slow runner that he could walk as fast as I could run. That's OK though. I managed to prove to myself that I could run the whole thing. Now I'll shoot on improving my time for the next one in May. I'm going to go collapse now...
Knit on, run on...
Friday, April 27, 2007
An Offer I Couldn't Refuse

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tick In A Bag
So I have a tick in a bag at work and I feel like an idiot carrying it around. DBF said he lived out in the country when he was a kid and would get 1-2 tick bites nearly every day and never had any problems. I'm not worried about it, but my grandmother freaks out over stuff like this, so I guess for her sake, I'll call the doctor and see if they want the tick or me to come in.
Anyways, that was my terribly exciting evening. I still took my nice bath after the tick was removed, and then I went to bed, feeling like my skin was crawling due to ticks :oP
Knit on...
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Today is SnB with Kim, so I'll be knitting for once I suppose. I don't know how much I'll be knitting more than talking and eating my lunch, but I'll at least get a sock picture up here tomorrow.
Turns out I'm not going to get the apartment I wanted. Believe it or not, but I was told that I make too much money each year to qualify for that apartment complex. I guess maybe it's for the best. We'll see. Oh well.
Anyways, DBF won tickets to go see the Lippezaner Stallions on Friday. I've never seen them before, so that should be fun. Friday may be a day of horses if we go to Keeneland too.
Knitting content tomorrow.
Knit on...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
My Competition Entries

Last, but not least, the edited version of kissing chipmunks.
Knit on...
The Weekend In Pictures

There's the weekend in a nutshell. I'll have some more pictures tomorrow, but they'll be better ones. Hope I didn't crash too many computers with that post.
Knit on...
Monday, April 23, 2007
The Weekend in 200 Words or Less
Knit on...
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Coffee is Good
I knit some on the never-ending piece of stockinette. I still didn't think it was worth taking a picture of, so you don't get any pictures today. I'm debating on either going to camera club or to poker tonight. If I go to poker, you'll get a picture of the stockinette because I need to hold it up to the chick and see how it's doing length-wise so far and double check my measurements. If I go to camera club, you'll get a picture of the poor, forgotten sock in progress which I will work on there (the coat is now turning into a blanket and it getting hard to travel with).
If you would like to watch something fascinating, click this link:
Baby bald eagles. Live camera. They're cute in that "I can peck your eye out" kind of way.
Knit on...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Crunch Time
Oh, and I am really not liking petroleum geology. I like fossils, not the goo they become if they're algaes and other soft bodied things. Anyways...
Last night I went to SnB at Jane's. It was nice to see everyone again. Normally I run on Tuesday nights, so I haven't been able to get out and say hello to everyone, but Rebecca is still sick with the flu and I would prefer it if she would stay far away from me while she has that. So, I ran right after work and almost ran a full lap. The full lap was not as good as the first time I almost ran a full lap. That time running felt good, yesterday, running was not high on my list of fun things to be doing at that moment, but I pushed through and made it to the top of the last big hill before I had to walk. I'm going to see if I can push myself a little further on Thursday. I'd really like to be able to run the whole 5k and while it doesn't seem like much to run that extra mile, it is quite a bit more when my mile time is close to 14 minutes right now. Oh well.
Does anyone want to buy me some new running shoes? The ones I have now are from Walmart and they are already breaking down. I may have to see what money I have left after this weekend and go buy a decent pair of shoes.
The sloggy knit isn't worth photographing right now. It's over 2 feet of stockinette now, so it is growing quite rapidly, but it just won't grow fast enough for my liking. Blah.
Knit on...
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Slogging a la artsy

Monday, April 16, 2007
Once Again, I Slogged

The weekend was pretty good aside from the crappy weather. Saturday was a good day to stay inside and not do a darned thing. It rained all day long. DBF and I went and had lunch then walked at the mall for a little bit since it was so crappy outside. We also saw the movie Black Snake Moan. I now understand why it went to the dollar movie so fast. Just wait for it to come on cable...You do get to see a half-naked chained up Hilary Swank for 90% of the movie, so if you need an excuse to see it, that's the only reason I can give you.
Sunday we had a nice big lunch and then went jogging at the arboretum. I was surprised that DBF would go running with me, but he did good. I think he did better than I did too :oP He's thinking about running in the 5k in a few weeks with me since Rebecca had to skip out on that one. We did a lap then ate a blizzard on the way home, so we countered any good calorie burning we did while running. We went to see the movie called The Namesake and I thought it was pretty good. The previews looked much more funny than the movie turned out to be. Kal Penn (of Harold and Kumar Go To WhiteCastle fame...) was actually pretty good in the movie. It's always nice to see someone who can play a dumb character and then switch to a very serious role and pull it off.
I've got a major paper due this week, so I may not get as much knitting in, but we'll see. I may still be able to sneak some in. I'm hoping I can finish the dumb paper either tonight or tomorrow.
Knit on...
Friday, April 13, 2007

It's about 12 inches long after working on it some last night. I was in one of those funky moods that just seem to hit every now and then. I'm blaming the weather since it was so cloudy, cold, and blah the past few days. It's still cloudy and blah, but after sleeping for 8 hours last night, I feel less blah myself. I was supposed to run with Rebecca last night, but she called and cancelled because she was sick. So, I ran over to poker and could have gotten in the tournament, but I had actually only gone over there to see DBF for a little bit. I still wanted to do something exercise-wise since I wasn't going to run (it was cold and blah outside, remember?). I got to thinking on the way over to poker that I should go to the little mall by my house and walk, so I decided to do that. I didn't stay at poker very long and I didn't want to distract DBF from his cards, so I went over to the mall and walked.
I ran into my grandparents who apparently had the same idea since it was so cold outside. I probably could have ran like DBF said and no one would have even noticed me there. I could count the people at that mall on one hand. It was rather sad and didn't help my blah mood much.
I came home after walking and knit some and watched the Office. Some nights you just need some comedy on TV, so that was good. I got tired about 9:30 and went to bed. Terribly exciting evening, huh? Spooky didn't want to go to bed, and I could still hear her chewing on her cage, wanting back out when I was trying to get to sleep. The rabbit was definitely not in a blah mood :oP
I'm better today. I think it was just one of those days when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe I was just tired or something, who knows. Maybe the lack of hot water at the house when you really want to take a morning bath put me in a blah mood. Have I mentioned I'll be happy to get out of this house in another month?
Knit on...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
40-9=31, plus some stuff to buy

The skeins are predominately red with some subtle black and white tones mixed in.
Also, I have one non-crafty thing for sale. Thought I would throw it up here before sticking it up on ebay. It's the FIRM exercise system. Comes with the step and all three original DVDs in the original box. I found that I just don't have room for this anymore and I really don't use it. I have an exercise bike and I'm running, so that gets me my aerobics in. It's a fun system though and I do recommend it. 20 bucks to a good home. Again, email me at knittingmagicgirl @ gmail dot com if ingterested.
OK, no more shameless self promotion.
Knit on...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Already Bored?

Yesterday before lunch, Rebecca let me know that she couldn't make it for running last night, so I decided that I would go ahead and run at lunch so that I could have the evening off and go play poker since DBF was going to be there again (I like that he's on first shift, but I'm sure he's not liking the time shift for his sleeping pattern) and I needed something to take my mind off the miles of stockinette. I decided that I would see how far I could go before I had to stop and walk. I almost made it a full lap and I ran 20 minutes. A full lap is two miles, so I was pretty happy to be in the around 10ish miles per hour. I sat down in my car after stretching and when I got back to work, I didn't want to get up. My legs were screaming at me for running that far.
They're still screaming at me today. I'll be doing the time intervals with Rebecca on Thursday. Hopefully I can handle running 4 minutes and walking for 2.
The Yarn Harlot is coming into town on the 21. It figures that the weekend she comes in would be the weekend that I will be out of town, running through the woods, taking pictures of whatever is left after that dumb freeze came through. Oh well. I'm thinking about sending something with someone anyways, but not sure yet. I got to see her briefly last year before having to pick up my grandmother. I even made it on her blog! Still, I'd like to see her, but seeing as I've already paid for this photography weekend, have a cabin reserved and such, I think I'll go there :oP
Knit on...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Look, Knitting! It Can Be Done!

There ended up being more as the snow accumulated, but it was cold and I wasn't going back out there. Happy Easter! At least it keeps the eggs cool...
On to some knitting now. I knit a whopping three rounds on the sock:

This thing is going to photograph horribly inside. If it ever warms up again, I'll go outside and get some shots so that you can see the real color of this. It's mostly black, but it has some wisps of gray in there as well. It's made out of Lionbrand Homespun in the Edwardian colorway. At least it's a start. Only 40 more inches to go before I can decrease for the arms! Doesn't 40 inches of plain stockinette sound like fun to you?...
Yeah, I'll have to push through. So right before the first tourney starts for poker, I get a call. Turns out it's DBF and he's coming to play poker! He got moved to first shift for the next couple of weeks so he can train for a new job and he'll even get a pay raise once he's trained! I was happy to see him since I normally don't see him at all except for the weekends. I know he'll be glad to be able to see everyone at poker again for a few weeks anyways.
The last news from yesterday is that I found an apartment. I didn't sign the lease since they are still waiting to see if any more open up before June 15, but if not, then I have one set aside for me. They're pretty good size and pretty cheap too and only a mile from where I work, which is why I wanted to look at them. Glad I did though since they only had one opening up in June so far. They apparently don't have a huge turnover rate which is always a good sign I think.
Anyways, I saw a closet that is perfect for yarn and Magic cards. Priorities after all...
Knit on...
Monday, April 09, 2007
Ever Wonder What To Do With Those Old Phones?

Here's the link to the website they are found on. You can get better pictures there.
Knit on...
Uh, yeah, what's knitting?
Stuffing...I ate one of my granny's stuffing balls and within 10 minutes of eating it, I felt that familiar twinge that something just isn't right. A few minutes later, I was getting sick in the bathroom and it then dawned on me...I wonder what had chicken, eggs, or pork in it? I immediately thought of the stuffing since everything else I ate was pretty much just macaroni and cheese and green beans. So I asked my grandma what was in it and she said Stovetop stuffing. I asked her what flavor. Chicken she said, and the realization hit her as soon as she said it. She realized why I was asking and apologized for not telling me before I ate it. I told her it wasn't her fault and that I should have asked, but I was OK now.
Anyways, the rest of Saturday, DBF and I napped and took stomach medicine. Doesn't that sound thrilling?
Sunday was Easter and we went to church which was rediculously packed for once. We both tried to concentrate during the sermon, but there was this one kid who's parents were letting him run up and down the aisle, swing from the guard rail, and disturb all the people around him. He even had a DS game system in church! My parents taught me early on that there are places I must behave like an adult and places I could act like a kid. Church was always one of those adult places and if I was really fidgety, I would get the offering envelope and a pencil and draw until I had covered it up. I know I don't have kids, but you can teach a kid to behave in certain situations. Threatening them with death works I've been told :oP
That was my weekend in a nutshell. Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend. I'll try to knit some here soon.
Knit on...
Friday, April 06, 2007
A Little Bit of Running, Not Much Knitting
After crashing for a little bit, I drove over to the arboretum to meet Rebecca for a run. It was cold as ice outside last night. I wore sweatpants, a sweatshirt, ear muffs, and gloves. Rebecca hadn't been out in it during the day, so she didn't come as prepared. I'm sure Bob is still trying to thaw her out from the run. We did it though. We ran for three minutes then walked for two minutes. We're trying to increase the running time each week until we're running for the full lap. We'll get there (a lap by the way is 2 miles). We found a road race yesterday that we may enter too if our schedules are free. It's on April 28. Three weeks away for a 5k. I know we won't be able to run the whole thing by then, but we may be able to run half of it at least. According to our training schedule, we'll be up to running 6 minutes then walking for 2, so that could get us pretty far. We'll see.
I know you all are tired of hearing about my running schedule. I'm just excited to see the scale moving towards the direction I want to see finally. I swear I'll have some knitting to show you all on Monday. In the meantime, have a good weekend and knit something or go running. Hopefully it's not frigid where you are.
Knit on...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Wednesday Report
I saw the scale move in the right direction today. I really do think I am the only person who can actually gain weight on weight watchers! I was doing everything right, counting points, activity, getting in my veggies, and I was gaining weight! After my doctor inspected me upon my completion of the flu medicine, I gave her my food journal and asked her what in the name of heaven was I doing wrong. She looked at the journal for a minute and said, "You're eating too many calories".
"Huh? I'm a good weight watcher though!"
"Yeah, but you're eating all these meat substitutes that have similar calories to meat, but they have a ton of fiber, so they register as 1 point where they should be 3 to 4 if they were real meat."
"Ah, so how many calories does it look like I'm eating?"
"About 3000 a day..."
::Jaw drops:: "Um, what should I do?"
"Count calories." ::hands me giant packet of information on how to do that and figure out how much to eat.
So, that is what I have been doing the past two weeks or so now. I had shot back up to 234ish, but this morning I was at 230ish, so it's moving in the right direction. Plus I'm sure the added running is helping a lot too. Speaking of that, I'll be running tonight, but it's a lot colder. Blah.
Knit on...
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Knitting Magic Girl, the Dumbass

Finally, the finished scarf in all its glory!

The other thing you will notice about these pictures is that I went from wearing a t-shirt to a full blown cushy sweater. Yeah, we had big storms go through last night, so we have gone from high 70's to low 80s to 45 today. Blah. I know it's not like it snowed or something, but that was a pretty stark contrast in weather. On the bright side, I got to knit while watching the severe weather come on the TV all freaking night. I was going to run with Rebecca last night too, but when I heard the first warning come out for the city next to us, I knew I had about 15 minutes to get home, so I called her and bailed even though I was already there at the arboretum. I ended up passing her on the way home since she was heading home herself. At least I walked at lunch yesterday.
Oh, and I also cast on the second sock out of that purple merino. It's about time I suppose. I guess I just keep putting off that giant duster sweater...I'll start that as soon as the sock is done...
Knit on...
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
This is the scarf that never ends...

I'm going to at least start the next repeat. We'll see how it's looking when I get to the wrapped stitches. If I run out of yarn, just ignore than blood curdling scream you may hear.
I also went running last night. God help us all, I have now been running 3 times in the past 5 days. The world is coming to an end...
Knit on...
Monday, April 02, 2007
Not Much Knitting
On Saturday, I went running/waddling again. I managed to do the whole lap this time of run 2 minutes, walk 2 minutes, so I was proud of myself for doing that. It actually seemed to help my legs become slightly less sore by going out and doing that, so I was happy for that. In the evening, we went to the dollar, oh sorry, 1.50 movie to see Arthur and the Invisibles. It was another cute movie. I'm glad we waited until the dollar movie though.
Sunday morning I did a little knitting before church, then went to an absolutely packed church service. Thankfully we got there early enough to get a parking spot. The only bad thing was that DBF's car started doing weird things. It felt to him like the transmission was going out. Hopefully it's just something simple and not a huge major repair or anything. I guess we'll find out. We watched the Amazing Race last night and I was happy to see the Guidos go. Just something about them irks me to no end. Now I would really like Myrna and Charla to go next. They bug me more than any other team on there.
Anyways, that was the weekend. Pictures tomorrow of the scarf which is almost done.
Knit on...