This is my knitting blog where I post about general knitting, crocheting, spinning, rants, rambles, life...yeah, you get the picture.
It's about a foot and a half long right now. It's moving along fast, which is good. I might make it in time to finish it for the weekend. We'll see. I have some time at least.
I've also been comissioned to do a Bears scarf for someone at poker. I'm thinking one of those tube-making machines will be perfect for that. I also took home the model sweater that I am supposed to base the ankle-length 60s style sweater off of, so I'll be taking measurements on it tonight. She wants it to be black instead of that wonderful 60s pea green that dominated everything.
I didn't get any cleaning done last night. I was lazy and I had to ride my exercise bike and take a shower since I had no hot water yesterday morning (I hate that it comes and goes like that). There's my excuse. It's not much of one, but that's as good of one as I have.
Tonight is SnB, so I'll be heading out to that to work on the five and a half feet left to go on the back panel of the scarf. At least it's mindless knitting.
Knit on...
"Much better," the Ashford said in a relived and satisfied tone. "You know, it's like sex for me when you spin up nice yarns."
"Great," I thought. "Now I have an image of roving and spinning wheel getting it on. Whatever. Hey, look, Spooky wants to check out the yarn..."
"Get that beast away from me!" screamed the roving.
"It's a bunny. It's a small bunny at that, get over it."
"Ok, so the rabbit likes yarn too..." I mused.
The yarn screamed bloody murder as Spooky picked it up and flung it into the air. I grabbed up the skeins and put them on the chair where the bunny couldn't get to them.
"That thing is evil..." the yarn said rather out-of-breath.
"Yeah, but we all knew that already," I said as I picked up my knitting. "Oh, and don't trip me as I walk in the door again, OK?"
I worked some on DBF's poker scarf and got another pattern repeat done as I watched the UK v UG game. It was an exciting game, just wish it would have ended differently.
The lack of a sock to work on at poker is bothering me too. I like knitting the poker scarf while playing poker, but doing color changes while trying to figure out what cards you have can be difficult. Once I start on the gray back to it, that'll give me something easier to work on for poker.
knit on...
It's about 3 feet long now and once I get through this last pattern repeat, I'll switch it and go back in reverse for the second half so that either way he wears it, the pattern will face the right way. I'm quite pleased with the way the symbols are looking right now.
I suppose I should get to work...blah...work...
Knit on...
Of course the main criteria for all my socks is if Spooky approves. Judging by the scratch that came after this picture was taken, I'm going to say that she approves:
I also really liked how the striping did match up. I really did not plan it so that the stripes would match, but it worked out anyways. Ain't life grand?
The last picture here is from a purse that was spotted in Starbucks last night when I went to SnB. The poor girl who had it probably thought we were all crazy, but the purse is made up of all needle-felted little yarn balls. She said she got it as a gift, so she didn't know how it was made, but we all quickly figured it out:
I'm thinking this would be an excellent project for all those little scraps of wool that we all have lying around. Just wrap them into a ball and felt away...I need to see what all colors I have lying around so that I know which project needs to be finished next :oP
We had a coffee tasting last night too. It was pretty fun since I have never tried a coffee tasting before. The whole process made me laugh since it reminded me of wine tastings (which I suck at...a sensitive palatte I do not have...). We tried a bold coffee, a medium coffee, the new gelato coffee and some almonds and shortbread. It was really amazing that the coffee changed flavors right after you ate something. It made the bold coffee much smoother if you ate a tiny piece of shortbread right after you took the first sip. Really cool. Of course, I'm also easily amused by such things.
Knit on...
There's a sock for you.
Knit on...
Once I get done with this sock, it'll be time to finish DBF's scarf. I think it's portable enough to take to poker, so I'll start working on it there (seems appropriate since it has the poker suits on it). I'm hoping to get a lot more done on the sock today at lunch and breaks and also at SnB tonight.
I have come to the conclusion that I need a weekly SnB. Last poker season, I managed to skip SnB for playing poker and I still didn't qualify for any of the final tables except the Monday night league. So I decided that this season, I'm going to go to SnB on Tuesday nights and then play poker on Mondays and Thursdays so that I'll still get two nights of poker play, but I'll also get my SnB time. We'll see how it works out.
I better get my butt ready for class now. Have I mentioned that I really don't think I want to get my masters now? I'm in a rut and I need a change. How does South Korea sound for a change? As long as they have yarn there...
Knit on...
Olive and Cream Cheese Penguins. Very easy to make. I'll have a tutorial on my Bento Blog later on today as soon as I can get to it. What can I say, I wanted something cute for lunch today since it's back to school time.
I knit a little on the sock, but not very much. I'll do plenty more knitting tonight though and try to get through the ribbing at least. Then this weekend will be about DBF's scarf. I'm trying to work on it while home and use the sock as my travelling project.
I have to go to class here in a few minutes. Blah.
Knit on...
The club was not easy to chart out and have it look like a club. That was as good as I can get it, but you can tell what it is. I'll post the pattern once I get the whole thing completed. The name is Poker Stud, so look for it in the near future. It's made with 100% alpaca in sport weight on size 3 needles (hence why it is taking longer than expected). I can't wait to get it done though because I think it is one of the nicer things that I have knit and it's special since it's for DBF. He's seen it already, so he knows it is eventually going to get to him :oP
I weighed in at Weight Watchers last night and I lost 2 pounds in my first week. I'm pretty happy about that since I am sure I have screwed up my metabolism somewhere while doing the yo-yo dieting of the past year or so. I actually wrote down every bite of food that entered my mouth. As they say, if you bite it, you write it. Get your minds out of the gutter now :oP
Knit on...
The toe needs to be grafted together, but that will be done on my lunch break today. One more sock to go and I can move on to the next WIP that must be finished: DBF's scarf.
This weekend was about being lazy. It's nice to have a lazy weekend every now and again. I was sore as hell on Friday and Saturday courtesy of being a furniture mover at work. Yep, it's one of the little known talents of geologists...
DBF and I went to see Children of Men on Saturday. It's an OK movie, and it does make you think, but I didn't like the ending and I felt it was more of a chase-'em movie instead of some deep, philosophical movie. It was entertaining though. After the movie, we came home and ate dinner. Remember how I said DBF was eating ice cream while on the exercise bike the other night? Well, he topped that by eating dinner while riding. This time I did take a picture at least:
Here's my kitchen table in all its glorious messiness:
Honest to goodness actual knitting content on this blog! Look, a sock! It's Lana Grosa sock yarn given to me by Peaches who was my target in Sock Wars. I should have knit this in the fall. Very fall-ish colors I think, but I'm loving this sock. I'm all about socks right now, but once this pair is done, it's on to the other WIPs that are still sitting there. Speaking of WIPs, here's my current list of things to finish before I start a new project this year:
1. This pair of socks
2. DBF's scarf
3. My gecko scarf
4. The purple people eater shawl (purple homespun diamond shawl)
5. Mason Dixon After Dark Nighty (remember this? Yeah, I had forgotten too!)
6. Chenille facecloth
7. DBF's socks that gauge screwed me over on that need to be frogged and started again
Seven projects to start off the year. I can get them all done fairly quickly (well, the nightgown still has a way to go), but I want to finish every WIP before I start working on anything new. I have spinning to do as well. I got five pounds of roving from my mom and dad for Christmas. It's from Copper Moose and it's gorgeous. It will be a sweater once it's all spun up and knit. Right now though, I'm just working on the Weight Watchers thing and knitting on my lunch break. Next week I'll get my butt back to Stitching and Bitching with the group and maybe that'll get my butt in gear to finish these things.
Oh, I started a bento blog to. It's http://knittingbento.blogspot.com and the link is on the sidebar. I won't fill up valuable knitting space with bento stuff anymore :oP
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Knit a bunch, and if you want, come clean my house for me...
Knit on...