Friday, February 16, 2007

Where Did That Come From?

Can someone please explain where the massive migrain came from that hit me at 5:30 last night? It wasn't a dull roar, it was a full-fledged jet powered roar that lasted until around 10 PM after six tylenol and two ice packs...Sheesh. Needless to say, not much knitting was done last night, but I did do a little spinning before the damn headache hit. No pictures though. That flash would have been the death of me I think. Instead, remember those pretty roses that DBF gave me on Saturday? Here they are in full bloom now:

They have really filled out the vase now and look really pretty. Unfortunately, today they are starting to die off, but they are still really pretty.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Me, I'm thinking I don't want to go to weight watchers tomorrow morning...

Knit on...

1 comment:

Erica said...

Oh, the flowers look gorgeous!

I went and weighed in the morning, though I didn't want to. I figure the truth is the truth, whether I get on the scale or not, so I might as well go take my lumps. Turns out I was only up a little, which was good considering how I ate.