You know, it's funny how birthdays come around the same time every year. This one kind of snuck up on me since I'm really still in transition mode from living overseas to now living back in my home country. The past couple of months have been super busy between working odd hours at the gym, launching Fiber Fiction, knitting for new babies in the family, seeing older members of my family so I can spend time with them as much as possible, and finally, getting to see my friends on occasion. It's been a whole season of transitions, so when November 6 popped up, I was caught off guard.
Thankfully, my family and friends were not. Let me start with my wonderful fiance, who is always referred to as DF on my blog. He knows me well and went onto my KnitPicks wishlist and sent me 10 balls of Merino Style in a lovely green color:Forgive the dark colors on these pictures. I took them with my camera phone because I had nothing else around me to grab. He also got me a fix it keychain with a tiny double ended crochet hook attached to it. It's very cute.
My grandparents got me a Bodum teapot which I will be using a whole lot right now since it's 20 degrees F outside right now:And yes, this teapot needs a cozy I think. I'm browsing patterns for tea cozies and sweaters right now.
My parents sent me cash, which will be put to good use and my other grandmother sent me a gift card to Dillards. I see some new clothes in my future.
My awesome friend Renee took me out for a lovely brunch yesterday morning for my birthday. Looking back, I should have totally taken a picture of this massive plate of food, but my word it was good. Good food, good company, and a good mood: does it get much better than that?
My mother-in-law-to-be gave me a gift certificate to my LYS, so I'm looking forward to browsing and figuring out what I want. I am thinking some noro may come home with me so I can finish my noro blanket this year :o)
I also finished the log cabin baby blanket yesterday and gave it to the new baby at dinner last night:The blanket is a little wonky in the picture, but I can assure you, it's not wonky in real life. I gave it to the new mom and dad last night and the baby was nestled cozily in it by the time they left and had a deathgrip on it. I started another one last night, but I'm just improving the design on it. I'll post pictures when I get more than one block into it.
The only thing that could have made the day better was if DF was here. His birthday is on Monday, so I'm wishing him a happy birthday from here! Distances can suck, but love rocks. I love you, DF, and I hope that you have a great day, even if we're away for the birthdays this year!
Yesterday, I finished the rainbow scarf for my cousin, and I still think it looks rather like clown vomit. But besides that, I'm happy with how it came out. It's just a simple 1x1 ribbed scarf:This picture shows you most of the color progression throughout the scarf. I like having finished pieces that started out as roving. Really is fun to see your babies grow.
And speaking of babies, we have a new one on DF's side of the family. This little one wasn't supposed to make her appearance for another few weeks, but you know how babies are. You don't always get to plan for when they come out (just ask my mother!), so we welcomed Lexi into the world this week. And, since the scarf ended, the parade of baby items will begin. I'm finally making one of the Moderne Baby Blankets from Mason Dixon Knitting. I finished two blocks yesterday:And now I knit like the wind and try to get the blanket done before Lexi is allowed to come home on Sunday!
I've been knitting quite a bit the past couple of weeks, but most of it I can't show you until Sunday, and then November 30. It's been hectic at Fiber Fiction headquarters, but I'm looking forward to the response from the release coming up in a few more days.
What I can show you is what the rainbow yarn is turning into:Just a simple 1x1 ribbed scarf for my cousin for Christmas. Gotta love handspun when you never know what color sequence is coming up next.
Also, I've been spinning some alpaca/merino blend roving:It's not a bad blend, but the merino seems to be adding quite a few nepps which are driving me insane right now. I'm pulling most of them out, but it does slow down the spinning process dramatically when I have to do that. At least it's buttery soft!
I can't remember if I mentioned last week that I finished the Ice Queen Cowl from or not, but I did. I had no proof of finishing though since stupid me had forgotten to take a picture after finishing it 30 minutes before giving it to the recipient for her birthday. Anyways, behold the proof that I finished the cowl:And here it is being used as a hood:The woman in the picture is my dear friend. Actually, she is the one who first taught me to crochet 7 years ago now. She laughed when I gave her the cowl, because she could remember when I was getting so frustrated just trying to crochet a straight row, and now I'm crocheting and knitting intricate beaded lace designs and anything else I really want to make. Happy birthday to my mentor and good friend!
Yesterday, I finished the rainbow yarn I have been spinning since the Insubordiknit Drunken Sunset came off the wheel. The yarn spun up to be a decent worsted weight yarn and I'm going to be making this into a scarf for a cousin of mine. Here's the yarn:It's still a little over twisted. One of these days I'll get the right amount of twist into a yarn that's navajo plied...
Also, I finally got the zipper installed in my Vivian cardigan, and after taking a couple of pictures of it today, I realize that yeah, I've lost 81 pounds...Here's the cardigan and me from the front:And here's the sweater from the side: Squeee!
So if you didn't notice the trend for the first 4 days of the week, Fiber Fiction launched and all the free dishcloth patterns are now up.
Today I went downtown to the Spotlight Lexington exhibition. I had heard from my grandparents that there was an alpaca lady out there, and I thought it would be fun to talk to a local fiber farmer. Turns out it was fun, and she, who happens to have a name and it's Sandy, had some nice rovings and yarns. I ended up coming home with a 4 ounce bump of roving:Her farm is S & S Camelid Co and her stuff was nice. If you're in the central Kentucky region, you should check her out. Also, I talked to a local fiber mill who happened to be the mill responsible for the roving I picked up. The mill was Flaggy Meadow Fiber Works and I'm looking forward to sending some stuff over to Shawn and Lori to have processed.
I'll review the roving once I get it all spun up. I think it's going to spin quite nicely after inspecting it some at home.
So yeah, if you asked me what I've been up to the past week, I would have to say this:Yeah, I've made 20 dishcloths in a week. Those are 12 of them, all crocheted. The other 8 were some test knits for Fiber Fiction that you'll be able to see if you head over there.
Speaking of, there are now 3 patterns up, and the 4th will be up today, so keep an eye out.
And for those who care, I also bought this today:Cascade 220 Sportweight in the color 2452. I also bought this:Lanaloft sport weight by Brown Sheep Company in the color Violet Shimmer. Yeah, not sure what happened with the picture, but it's purple and not blue at all.
Hm, wonder what I could be doing with sport weight yarn? Perhaps you will find out on October 31? Hint, hint, wink wink, say no more!
Since I asked everyone to try and write a short piece of fiction for their first prompt on Fiber Fiction, I thought I would share mine here:
The Mystery of Obi
The young woman jerked upright, sweat covering her body. She heard that noise again and it terrified her. The snorting, the rapid inhaling of breath cut the silence in her bedroom. She tried to pull the covers over her head and ignore the noise, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t ignore the heavy breathing and the little snorts coming down the hallway. What was she going to do, she wondered. She couldn’t close the door in time. She couldn’t run away from the being behind the snorts, sniffs, and heavy breathing. She was trapped.
She pulled the covers off her, slid her feet out of the bed and onto the cold wooden floor, and stood up slowly. The snorts were getting closer and she knew she didn’t have much time. She reached in her purse and grabbed the one thing that would appease the beast that was approaching.
“Obi!” she exclaimed as she held her hand out to the tiny shitzu and gave him the treat he was seeking out. “You silly old dog! You scared me with all that snorting!”
Obi, with his ancient eyes, simply took the treat, stared at the woman, and then walked out the door, moving on to bigger and better things. What those things could be was a mystery to the young red head.
For those of you who remember, Obi is my cousin's dog. I'm once again dog sitting for her, so Obi is snoring next to me while I write this. I'm finally going to be able to knit something else aside from dishcloths now, so look for some progress on that fair isle vest here soon!
Fiber Fiction has launched! The first free pattern is up and ready for you to enjoy. Here it is:The pattern is based on the genre of mystery. It's illusion knit, but it reveals the manifying glass with the letter M for Mystery next to it. I hope you all enjoy it!
Oh, and you should totally tell people about Fiber Fiction. All the cool kids are doing it :oP
That's going to be my motto for the next few days. Between work, school, and launching Fiber Fiction, I'm going to be seriously sleep deprived I think. But, it's totally worth it and I'm looking forward to having some submissions coming in and getting to pair them up with designers and some of my own designs.
I wish I had something to show you today. Since I don't, I'm just going to give you a teaser photo of the first pattern that will launch on Friday. And yeah, looks can be very deceiving!Knit on...
That's what I've been doing as of late it seems. First off, I'm working more since a few people needed time off or quit at work. Secondly, the stuff I've been knitting recently, I can't show you until Friday when the website launches. Lastly, between the first two things, I haven't had much time to do anything except work, come home and knit on Fiber Fiction stuff, and sleep!
But, so as not to disappoint, I did get something done. I took the finished Drunken Sunset yarn I spun up and Navajo plyed and made A Noble Cowl out of it. Here's the finished project:I also started on a new Fair Isle Vest from Knit Picks called the Corrie Vest. Here's what I have so far:That's it for now. Check back in a few more days for more fun stuff, perhaps a contest, and the formal launch of Fiber Fiction!
Sometimes life gets in the way of my posting stuff. This week, life is deciding that my hormone levels are fun to play with.
For those of you who have followed my blog for any length of time, you know that I do on occassion (read: all the freaking time) have some issues with being an estrogen factory. Well, turns out I'm now lacking a lot of it, from get this, losing weight! Stored fat apparently produces estrogens and since I have 80 pounds less of it, I'm not quite the factory I used to be.
So, this week I saw my wonderful doctor-who-keeps-me-regulated-and-sane, and we changed meds. For the first two days, I was nauseous as hell. And I was cranky. And tired. And, well, just feeling rather crummy. On the third day (today actually) I have started feeling wonderful. I'm regulated again, thank goodness.
So in the past week, I have knit a heel flap and turned the heel on the second red sock. That's it. I did do some spinning, and tonight I'm going to do some more before going to bed. So, since I did promise you pictures, here is the pair of worsted weight green socks I made for the family friend with cancer:That's it for tonight. Hopefully this next week is much more fiber-friendly and less hot-flash related!
I have been spinning, and in fact, I managed to go ahead and finish up the last of the Insubordiknit roving. It's sitting here staring at me, wondering what it will be. Anyone have any suggestions? I have about 250 yards of sport weight yarn in a nice varigated purple colorway. I'll post pictures of it tomorrow.
I finished the worsted weights socks and will also post pictures of that tomorrow.
And I'm getting there on the red socks too. I've been working on some writing for Fiber Fiction and working on some more designing for it. If you haven't checked it out yet, you should totally go look. It's not ready to launch yet, but there's going to be some fun stuff in October.
And for more fibery-fun, I think I finally got the hang of navajo plying. The second skein of yarn is much less over-twisted than the first one, so I think I'll be ok on it from now on.
Pictures tomorrow! Or later tonight if I feel like getting on the small computer to get the pictures off the camera :oP
Ok, folks, I have been hinting that I've been working on something rather big the past few months. Well, I'm pleased to announce that I can finally talk about it some on here.
I have been working with a friend of mine to design a website that will pair short pieces of fiction with knitting patterns that somehow tie into the story. After taking over two months off from work and designing, writing, and working on the website stuff, Fiber Fiction was born.
The website is now up, but it is rough, so bear with us as we iron out the kinks and get it fully operational. The formal launch is in 3 weeks on October 1.
Ok, I'm doing some housekeeping today. First, I did actually finish two pairs of socks while on vacation in Bali. Here's the first one out of Sensations basic wool sock yarn:Then I made a pair of socks out of Plymouth Sockatta cotton blend yarn:And I did finish the first red sock. Red sock number two is currently being knit:Yep, lots of socks. And now to get back to the red one...
Hey, look, I have actually done fiber-related stuff! I spun up some singles out of the Insubordiknit humanely-raised merino cross in Drunken Sunset, then I practiced Navajo plying for the first time. I love how the finished product looks, but boy did I overtwist the yarn! That's why I wanted to get in some practice before doing a large project on the wheel that I want to Navajo ply. Anyways, here's the 155 yards of yarn:Knit on...
Ok, so this is going to be a fairly picture-heavy post as I catch up on what all I've been doing the past week. So without further blabbering, let me get to it.
First up, we have the finished Lumpy Bumpy scarf. It's lumpy, it's bumpy, and it's squishy soft:Sorry for the craptapulous pictures on here. I'm rushing to get this in, talk to DF, and get ready for my class tonight all before heading to work. Next, I finished the first red sock last night and just have to graft the toe. I'll be doing that sometime this morning before work probably.And then last night at SnB (It was great seeing you guys again!), I started a pair of worsted weight bed socks for a friend of the family who has cancer. I didn't get too far, but worsted socks knit up so fast:And last, but not least, I have really enjoyed being back with my spinning wheel. Yesterday was one of the first times I've had some time to really sit down and spin, and I got through about 1.5 ounces of roving that has been in my stash for ages. This is Insubordiknit's Drunken Sunset:It started out rough, but now I'm getting a nice, even single and I love the colors. I'm going to use this as practice for navajo plying since I've yet to do that and I want to keep the colors in this roving together as much as possible.
There you have it! One week down, many more to come. I'll try to be a bit more consistent since I'm pretty well settled in now and will be working, studying, and knitting, all while seeing friends and family.
Well, there has been quite a lot on my plate here recently, so that's why there have not been blog posts for the past couple of days. Here's just a few things:
Preparing for a garage sale
Getting a job (got one, albeit just part time)
Studying and doing homework for class (time suck!)
Having cavities filled in
Plus a few more things. So, knitting has not been going fast around chez Magic Knitter. I did finish the scarf and I almost finished a sock. I'll try to get a post up here soon about those.
Yes, that is what I am asking myself right now. What happened to me while I was in Korea? The reason I ask this is because I went to the dentist today to get a checkup and cleaning and came out knowing I had 8, yes count them, 8 cavities! WTF?
First, this more than triples the number of cavities I already have. The most I had ever had at one time was 2 and that was after 12 years of not going to the dentist. I had one other small one pop up a few laters, but to have 8, and possibly more weak spots that will eventually develop into cavities, was a shock to say the least.
So, I have been pissed all day because of this. I'll get over it, I know, but since finances are rather tight at the moment since I'm jobless, the last thing I needed was to have to sink almost 1000 bucks into my mouth. But, that's just what I'm going to do. I wonder if I chewed on the money directly it would fill in the teeth better?
So there's no knitting content today. I went running this afternoon and I applied for jobs online. I may knit a little bit tonight, but as of right now, I haven't knit a single stitch. Blah.
Knit on...
And floss. For the love of all that is good, floss!
It's growing, albeit rather slowly for my normal speedy pace. I went out to lunch today and have been applying for more jobs online while I take care of Obi. In between job applications and taking the dog out to pee, I managed to add about a foot to the scarf, and I may get some more done this evening while watching TV and entertaining the dog. So, without further blabbering, here's the scarf:Oh, and Lumpy Bumpy is so soft and squishy. It's just fun!
Ok, first and foremost, I entered all your names into a spreadsheet and then used a random number generator to choose a winner, and that winner is....
Marjon! Congratulations! I'll be contacting you through Ravelry to get the pattern and yarn to you! Thank you to everyone who left me a comment wishing me safe travel home and to enter the contest! Since I've been back, I've been seeing family, friends, and applying for jobs. I haven't done a whole lot of knitting the past few days because of that, so I don't have much to show you. Also, the other reason I haven't been knitting as much is this guy:This is Obi and he's a 13 year old Shitzu who is partially blind and nearly deaf. He needs a lot of care, and I'm here to care for him until Wednesday while my cousin, his mama, is out of town. He's very cute, but he's spoiled, and expects you to pay lots of attention to him!
I did cast on a simple garter stitch scarf out of 2 skeins of Lumpy Bumpy yarn. Here's the progress on it:It's lumpy, it's bumpy, it's soft, and it will make a nice, warm scarf for the winter.
That's it for today. I'll show some more stuff here soon.
Hello, everyone! I'm back from the land of kimchi, am very jet lagged, and am trying to recover from 13 time zones' difference. I'll be posting more in the next couple of days, but I wanted to just remind you that you have a few more hours to enter the contest for the Pretty Thing cowl and yarn giveaway. At midnight, the entries will be closed, and I'll announce a winner tomorrow.
Yep, I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow. DF and I are heading to Bali where we intend to be beach bums for about a week. I've got plenty of knitting packed for the plane and the down time on the beach, so look for a big update in a week or so.
I did finish another project yesterday though, so now the only thing on my needles for the next week will be plain vanilla socks, unless I decide to jazz the socks up somehow if I get bored. I decided to make the Pretty Thing cowl by the Yarn Harlot after picking up the pattern the other day through Ravelry. It's a super fast, easy knit, and it makes a lovely cowl when it's all said and done:And now, to celebrate my imminent return Stateside, I'm going to have a give away. Do you like this cowl? If you do, you could win the yarn and the pattern in order to make your own. Just leave me a comment on here and I'll enter you in for a chance to win the pattern (gifted through Ravelry, so if you're not signed up, you'll probably want to be so I can buy it and send it to you through there. If not, we'll work something out) and the same yarn I used for my cowl:That is one full ball, plus my little bit of leftovers so you have a cushion in case you need to make the cowl a little bit bigger. Mosco is a rayon, mohair, viscose blend that is super soft and does produce a nice little halo because of the mohair. There are 137 yards in a ball, and I used up a little over 3/4 of the ball to make the cowl.
Want to win it? Just leave a comment on here before August 20 at midnight eastern time and I'll choose a winner from a random number generator. The pattern will be a PDF file that I will either gift through Ravelry or purchase and then forward to you. I want to make sure the Yarn Harlot gets all her money from the pattern, so I'm not just going to forward you my own copy. You get your own.
Yep, I finished Ishbel today and she's blocking away on the bed right now. The shawl blocked out much bigger than I had planned, and I didn't even block it to death like I usually do for lace shawls. Anyways, here's the finished shawl:It's certainly not the best blocking job that I've ever done, but it got the basic shape blocked out and will open up the lace enough. I have a feeling that this will be one of my go-to shawls and may end up being washed and blocked back out periodically if it gets as much wear as I think it will.
The pattern was very easy to read and had both charts and written directions. It's a very simple lace pattern, and since the yarn is fingering weight, it works up quickly too.
The yarn I used was Knit Picks Essential Sock yarn. I had three old balls from the batch that was having felting issues a while back before they renamed the yarn Stroll. I decided the yarn would make a very soft, smooshy shawl, and it appears that it did just that!
Well, Herbivore was blocked this weekend, and Ishbel should be finished being knit sometime today. I only have 7 more rows to do on it. So today, I give you the finished Herbivore:I really like the combination of browns and greens in this colorway from Enchanted Knoll. I had just a tiny little bit left by the time the shawlette was finished, so one skein should be enough for anyone to knit Herbivore.I really would recommend this pattern to anyone interested in a small, scarf-like wrap that will stay in place. It's a very easy knit, but there's still enough going on to keep an advanced knitter interested in the pattern.
Tomorrow, there will hopefully be finished Ishbel pictures!
That title really sounds like it could be the beginning of a love story or something. Herbivore and Ishbel had similar backgrounds, but where herbivore chose to be more solid, Ishbel went the more fanciful route. Ok, I'll stop, I swear.
Anyways, I finished Herbivore yesterday and I will do the blocking of it once DF wakes up and I can use his bed to pin out the shawlette. Here it is, pre-blocking:As soon as Herbivore was off the needles, I cast on for Ishbel. I must be on a shawlette kick right now, but it's what I want to make at the moment. I packed up all my other shawls this week in the big suitcase, so if I want something to take to Bali with me next week, it'll be one of these two shawlettes. I'm hoping to be through the stockinette portion of Ishbel by the end of the day today. Here's my progress so far:It's coming right along.
I always liked the Magic card Wood Elves. A 2/3 for 2 green mana always seemed pretty good to me and it's a little harder to kill than the other 2/2's you usually get for the same mana cost. Now that I've lost all you knitters out there with Magic talk, I'll bring it back. The reason I bring up Wood Elves is because the shawl I'm making now is made from that colorway from Enchanted Knoll.
I'm making Herbivore by Stephen West. It's a very easy knit and it's pretty mindless, which I like right now. I should be done with it by this weekend I think. I've got 8 of the 12 inches knit on the body now. And, so you can see why the colorway is called wood elves, here's a picture:It just seemed fitting to knit a project called Herbivore out of a greenish colorway.
So last night, DF and I celebrated our anniversary by having pizza and an ice cream cake from Coldstone. It was yummy and made for a nice evening. Also, for some reason they gave DF candles when he bought the cake, so we had to light them up :oPI had given DF his present yesterday, which included some of my favorite pictures of us. Like, our pictures with Hal Sparks, at the DMZ, in Japan, etc. DF gave me my presents yesterday and they cracked me up. First, he got me an eye mask for the vacation we're about to take and then the long trip back home.The second thing he got me is going to crack me up every time I see it. It's a little doll that says Breast Moppet on it. From some discussion among FB people, I think it was supposed to mean baby child, but the translation went horribly, horribly wrong.And I'll leave you for the day to ponder how it went wrong and became a disturbing baby doll sitting in a bucket :oP
I had 5 skeins of yarn left from my Vivian cardigan, so I knew I wanted to use it. The yarn is so nice to work with, and it wasn't too much leftover, so I wanted something small, quick, and fairly easy. I flipped through my notebook with patterns already printed out and came across the Brea Bag by Norah. I knew it would be cutting it close with the yardage, but I decided to go for it anyways.
A few hours later, I had this:I threw a few things in it to see how it looks and I decided that I definitely want to line the bag when I get back to the US. I'm thinking some hot pink fabric to match the button. And maybe a zipper to give the bag a little more security.
Here it is when not being supported by my hand:Another reason I think it needs to be lined. Lining will offer it some stability so it doesn't stretch out.
Also, I really like the purse handle that I had for this bag. I bought two of these handles the last time I was in Seoul and I wish I would have bought more in the different colors they had. They're really quite nice and the picture doesn't do it justice:And up next on the needles will be Herbivore. I'm ripping out the jaywalker sock I started with the Wood Elves sock yarn and will make that instead. I think I'll be happier with the yarn draped over me than on my feet.
Ok, before I make a separate post about life and knitting, I wanted to post a couple of free patterns up here for you all. Both patterns are going to be available as a PDF on Ravelry as well, so clicky for that link.
These two dishcloths came out of my design process while working on something completely different.While they were not chosen to be the patterns used for the other project, I thought that you all might enjoy having them anyways.So, here are some free patterns for you all and I hope that you will enjoy knitting them and using the scrubby cloths!If anyone has charting software and wanted to make a chart for the cable pattern on the Fishy Dishcloth, please go ahead and do so.I did not have access to any charting software at the time of this pattern’s publishing.
Worsted weight dishcloth cotton.One ball of Sugar and Cream should make 2 dishcloths.
US Size 8 Needles, straight or circular
Gauge: not too important.Just make it so it’s a density you’re happy with.
Flowerbasket Dishcloth:
Cast on 34 stitches.Work in Seed Stitch for 9 rows.Row 10: Work 9 stitches in seed stitch, place marker, work 16 stitches from flower pattern, place marker, work 9 stitches in seed stitch.Continue working in established pattern until flower pattern is completed twice.Next row, work all stitches in seed stitch, removing markers as you come to them.Work 8 more rows in seed stitch, then bind off.
Flower pattern:
Row 1: K all stitches
Row 2: Purl all stitches
Row 3: K all stitches
Row 4: P3, K3, P4, K3, P3
Row 5: K3, P4, K2, P4, K3
Row 6: P3, K4, P2, K4, P3
Row 7: K4, P3, K2, P3, K4
Row 8: P7, K2, P7
Row 9: K7, P2, K7
Row 10: P4, K3, P2, K3, P4
Row 11: K3, P4, K2, P4, K3
Row 12: P3, K4, P2, K4, P3
Row 13: K3, P3, K4, P3, K3
Row 14: Purl all stitches
Row 15: Knit all stitches
Row 16: Purl all stitches
Repeat these 16 rows for pattern
Seed Stitch:
Row 1: K1, P1 to end
Row 2: P1, K1 to end
Repeat these 2 rows, making sure to knit the purl stitches and purl the knit stitches to form the bumpy texture
Fishy Dishcloth:
Cast on 35 stitches.Work 12 rows in seed stitch.Next row, work 4 stitches in seed stitch, place marker, work chart 1, place marker, work 4 stitches in seed stitch.Continue this way until chart 1 is complete.Work 12 rows of seed stitch, removing markers as you come to them.Bind off.
RBC: Slip 2 stitches to cable needle and hold in back. P1, then slip the knit stitch from cable needle back to left hand needle.Knit it, then p1 from cable needle
RFC: slip 2 stitches to cable needle and hold in front. P1, then slip the knit stitch from cable needle back to left hand needle.Knit it, then p1 from cable needle.
BC: Slip 1 stitch to cable needle and hold in back. K2, p1 from cable needle.
FC: Slip 2 stitches to cable needle and hold in front.P1, K2 from cable needle.
Hope that you all enjoy the patterns. Let me know if there are any corrections that need to be made! Knit on...