Monday, September 25, 2006

I should be done with a pair of socks...

But instead am still working on that second sock. If I were a true sock warrior, I would have stayed up all night on Friday and knit the socks and mailed them on Saturday. I am not a true warrior. Even the best assassins can't help it when their backs give them trouble and they don't feel like knitting. No knitting while playing Magic. I did however knit in the car on the way up at least.

Sunday though, the urge to be a competitor kicked in again. I stayed up until 11, frantically turning the heel of the second sock and decreasing the gusset. At 11, I decided that I should go to bed because I had to go into work this morning. If I d0n't make money, I can't buy Magic cards and yarn, and no Magic and no yarn make Knitting Magic Girl a dull girl...

I should have knit during church. I might have been done by this morning if I had. I should have knit during Snakes on a Plane. I really wouldn't have missed much. I should have sent the girl asking me to buy stuff to help her school chorus to leave so that I could finish the sock. Instead I bought cookie dough. Coulda Woulda Shoulda. I may still get the sock mailed out today assuming I can find an hour to finish it. I have 30 minutes worth of breaks that I can use, but my lunch is taken up by the class. I might be able to squeeze some more time in there, you never know.

I just want to get this pair of socks out before I get a pair of socks in the mail. I want to knock out just one person before I get knocked out. I must knit like the wind and forsake all human interaction until the second sock is finished. Oh, you want to see what they look like? Here they are:

International Sock of Doom with it's partner in crime in the works.

Knit on...


Erica said...

Knitting during a movie, good. Knitting during church, bad (though I've been tempted more than once, for sure).

ICJ said...

Hang in there! You are going to make it!

YOU... GREAT SOCK WARRIOR... No knit at Church though... ;-)

Isabelle aka Tricotine