This is my knitting blog where I post about general knitting, crocheting, spinning, rants, rambles, life...yeah, you get the picture.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Anyways, I didn't finish the mitten last night, but I'm so close that I'll finish it today so that I can wear them tomorrow on my way to the airport and in case it's cold in Seoul when I arrive on Sunday morning. (evening there) Here's what I finished last night:
Anyways, my next post will be from Korea. I should arrive there Sunday evening and will try to post sometime on Monday. Gotta get some sleep in there too and try not to be super jet lagged.
Knit on...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
There Was No Knitting, But There Was Packing
I knew I would be scrambling last minute, but now I know that I will be. I'm planning on doing a lot of packing tonight on my main suitcase so that I can have less to worry about on Friday. Hopefully I am able to remember everything and I won't be completely forgetting something major.
Tonight I also plan in finishing the mittens. I have a doctor appointment at lunch today, so I should get some good time in there while waiting for the doctor.
Knit on...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
It's A Jungle In Here!

I wimped out on SnB last night. I was too tired and after picking up Spooky and bringing her home, letting her run around, and then unpacking, all I wanted to do was take a bath and go to bed. So, I did. I did take pictures though, so here you go.
First up, the finished Noro hat that I'm giving DF's sister for Christmas:

Here's the finished broad street mitten and the one in progress:

Thanks again for all the gifts you guys! They're all great!
That's it for today. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to show you another finished mitten, and who knows, maybe I'll start on another project, or at least wind some yarn for one.
Knit on...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Home Again
For anyone who was wondering how Spooky would do with a bunch of cats, we found out the answer. She scared the crap out of them. Erica said that Mia wouldn't come out of the corner the entire time that Spooky was in the room. Spooky seemed unphased by all the cats and was quite content to be around them which really did surprise me since she hates the smell of cats. I guess she got used to it.
Anyways, I think I'll run to SnB tonight and try to finish the rest of my broad street mitten. It'll be close to see if I can finish the whole thing tonight, but I'm already half way done with the thing. Just need to add some fingers and a mitten shell and then they're ready to wear.
Pictures tomorrow of the knitwear, whether it's finished or not!
Knit on...
Monday, November 26, 2007
Longest Post Ever

I still think the sleeves may be too long, but I won't know until I get to Korea.
Friday: Much better sleep. Met my friend Courtney for lunch and some mad-rush of shopping (note: being 9 months pregnant will get most shoppers out of your way. I think they felt they might make her pop or something). Why didn't I take pictures of Courtney? Stupid lack of brain. I blame the lack of sleep. Almost finished mittens, but ran out of yarn. Also forgot to take picture of the finished one and the half of the second one. Too late now, I'm not dragging out the cords again.
Saturday: Mom and I went to JoAnn's. Good Lord, this place was huge. We have one back home, but nothing like this. I was in awe. They had at least 6 aisles of yarn. Good yarn, crappy yarn, the whole yarn spectrum. I picked out four skeins of yarns. I'll take pictures of these later too. Two skeins were poor man's Noro. It's a mostly acrylic version of the yarn, only JoAnn's brand. I also bought two skeins of a 90-10 wool/nylon blend. Mom and I posed for pictures:
Sunday: We all went to my dad's church and had morning worship. Afterwards, my mom, grandparents, and I went to the mall and spent more money. I was very upset at the lack of Barnie's coffee. They have started selling out to Starbucks. I like Starbucks, but Barnie's is always much better. Sacked out the rest of the day and nearly finished DF's socks.
Today: On the road again. I finished DF's socks:
And I also started and finished a pair of mittens for DF's niece for Christmas out of the poor man's Noro. I am quite impressed with it.
Anyways, that's the catch-up. I'll post tomorrow once I get back in and settled in to work in the afternoon. I should have more stuff finished up I would think since I'll have more knitting in the car since the PSP battery is dead.
Knit on...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Finished Objects, Yet No Pictures
I also finished the first Broad Street Mitten. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. There are some things that I might consider changing if I ever make the pattern again, but for the most part, I like how they turned out. I have already cast on for the second mitten and if I don't run out of yarn first, I'm hoping to be done with that one tomorrow.
I'll have pictures on Monday night when I have wireless access at the hotel on the way back home.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Knit on...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanks goodness for portable gaming devices!
Happy Thanksgiving. It's kinda weird for me this year. This is the first year that DF and I have not spent Thanksgiving together since we've been dating. At least we were able to talk a little this morning and he'll call this evening to say hello too.
Knit on...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Home for the Holiday
Gotta get moving this morning. I'll write more this afternoon sometime, hopefully with pictures of the finished sleeves.
Knit on...
Monday, November 19, 2007
Knitting on the Road
Anyways, I was surprised at how fast the sleeve worked up compared to the body of the sweater. Of course, ten hours of knitting does help :oP
Tomorrow, pictures.
Knit on...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
On The Road Again
Knit on...
Friday, November 16, 2007
What Happened to Fall?
On the bright side, I finished the front panel of DF's sweater last night.

I was also tagged for a MeMe, so here it is:
Caught In The MeMe Web
I think this one has gone around before, but what the heck. Jane at Plain Jane Knits just tagged me for the Eight Random Things MeMe.- · When tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you.
· Then post the rules before your list, and list eight random things about yourself.
· At the end of the post you must tag and link to eight other people.
1: I'm an anthropologist who poses as a geologist. Sometimes this makes me feel like George Castanza on Seinfeld when he tells everyone that he's an architect.
2) I used to play softball. I was really good at it too, but I got burned out at the end of high school and haven't played a game since. I still get emails from my parents telling me that I still have records in Florida that haven't been broken.
3) I have become an obsessive knitter. I blame Kim. On the bright side, I've actually stuck with this hobby and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.
4) I'm leaving for South Korea in a couple of weeks to visit DF. I am way too excited about this to concentrate on something as mundane as work.
5) DF proposed in the coolest way ever. See these posts for more details: Priceless and How it Happened
6) I am a wannabe pattern designer. I will have a pattern appearing in the Anticraft's next issue.
7)I am a big Star Wars dork. I love random trivia, played the card game, and often will quote random Star Wars lines with DF when the time is appropriate.
8) I was once scolded for knitting at work, even though it was on my break time. Now I make sure that everyone knows that I only knit on my breaks and at lunch so that I don't get in trouble for it.
Ok, that does it other than tagging eight more victims (ah, I mean friends).. (Jane, you got Erica and I saw she already posted on her blog!)
Knit on...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A Reminder
It's in moments like these that you can hear God whisper in your ear. Dangit, all I wanted to do was be mad for a little bit. Nope, I hear it very clear:
You're angry about your car, but you have a car. You're upset because you'll be late to help set up for Room in the Inn, but you have a home. You're complaining and you are well provided for. Stop being pissy about the van and remember what's important. Be in good spirits and go help the guys at Room in the Inn and remember what you have and they don't.
So I hopped in the put-put truck and headed over to the church to set up for Room in the Inn. I was in a better place by then and helped put out food for the guys and ate a nice dinner with everyone. Prior to that, I was thinking about skipping dinner and just heading home, but I decided to stay for dinner and I'm glad that I did. It was good fellowship and it put me in a better mind. Of course as soon as I hopped in the truck again, I remembered the van woes and got a little pissy again.
When I got home, DF had logged onto his computer, so we talked over the computer for a bit and he cheered me up even more. By the time I went to bed, I didn't care about the van. I was in a warm bed, warm house, had food in my belly, and knew I was loved by the man that I love and had been cheered up by him like he always does when I'm in a bad mood. Sure, I vented to him, but he's good at listening to be vent about stuff. Even thousands of miles apart, he has that ability to cheer me up.
OK, that's how the day went. Here's the sweater progress:

Knit on...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Just a Tree
ETA: Blogger is letting me post pictures now, so here ya go. First up, my Slytherin costume.

The last picture is of the first gift I received from the contest I randomly won on the Christian Knitters group on Ravelry. This one is from Anxious Dog. Thanks so much! I had just seen this color of Noro at ReBelle last week and really liked it, so I'm super excited to have a skein of it now! She also included a pattern for a hat. I may make this tonight if I need a change before heading over to Room in the Inn to help set up. We'll see. I should make some good progress on the front panel of DF's sweater at lunch too. I'm finally at the v-neck part. Here's the prize:

Knit on...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It Comes In Threes
On a lighter note, I got quite a bit of knitting done on DF's sweater yesterday. Here is it at the armhole decrease section:

Pictures tomorrow of Harry Potter-ish fun and hopefully some armholes on a sweater, or maybe progress on a forgotten sock.
Knit on...
Monday, November 12, 2007
A Day of Driving

Sky Bridge is a sandstone arch that is pretty famous in the gorge. Both of the formations we visited were easily accessible with paved trails, less than 1/4 mile long. When I think of hiking, I think of dirt trails at the best, at least a mile, and in the woods, not on a paved path. I think the little bit of walking wore out the rest of the crew with the exception of me and Erica. I enjoyed the company, but I was really hoping for much more hiking and a whole heck of a lot more driving. Erica's roommate was really nice and topped off my gas tank at the end of the day, so at least the drive didn't cost me 50 bucks on top of everything.
Sunday, I cranked out scarves after church. I knew I wouldn't get any cranked out today since I'd be on the road and probably would get back too late to feel like cranking out a scarf. I may try to get one done anyways. I also knit in the car today and am to the armhole decreases on the front panel of DF's sweater. I'm hoping to get some more done tonight and get started on the V neck by tomorrow's SnB.
Speaking of tomorrow, instead of the usual Tuesday night SnB at Jane's, we're instead going to a WIzard Rock concert with the Whomping Willows and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Band. Yep, it's Harry Potter, gives me a chance to wear that cloak I made and the Slytherin tie I bought, and it's live music, all with a Harry Potter theme to it. It should be fun anyways, but I doubt I will get much knitting done.
Until tomorrow, knit on...
Short and Sweet
1. Went to the gorge, didn't do much hiking. Waste of car miles and gas.
2. Knit scarves, have 6 done now:

Knit on...
Friday, November 09, 2007
Random Friday Musings
Yesterday was very frustrating at the insurance agent's office as well. I'm trying to get insurance on my new van, and it's going to be 1-3 months before I can because I cannot get my Florida driving record (9 years) attached to the new Kentucky driver's license (1 week). Reason being? The patriot act now makes it so difficult to get my old license information that even I can't go in there and get my old license. It's a long story and I won't go into it here because I don't feel like typing it all over again. Anyways, it'll be 1-3 months before I can transfer the title of the car to my name and get insurance in my name. At least the car is insured with my grandparents. I could get insurance, but I would have to pay through the roof because they can only reference me as a new driver, and that gives you bad status in their books.
Anyways, here's the cranky knitting machine and the sweater it cranked out on Wednesday.

Knit on...
Thursday, November 08, 2007
The Movie I Have Waited For A Very Long Time To Be Made...
I will go out and buy the DVD, but I sure hope it's better than the rough trailer is looking. I have been hooked on Dragonlance since I was a teenager, so I was excited when they said they would be making a movie of Dragons of Autumn Twilight. When I heard it was animated, I was skeptical. When I listened to the music on the site, I was excited. When I saw the animation, I was skeptical. It releases January 15, so I suppose I will find out whether it's any good, or whether the fact that Lucy Lawless referred to Goldmoon as a Native American when she is actually a Plainswoman (yeah, I'm a Dragonlance nerd and it bugged me) will affect her voicing of a classic character, or whether Keifer Sutherland will give Raistlin's voice some justice, because that animated Raistlin kinda scared me. Anyways, there's a movie.
Insert Witty Title Here
Last night, I went to my church to help out with a program called Room in the Inn. We take in 15 homeless guys for 5 months. They alternate a different night at a different church, so they get exposed to a lot of different denominations that way. We feed them, house them, and give them some clothing each week. It's getting pretty cold out now, so I want to make them scarves and I made the first one yesterday at lunch.
The cranky knitting thing is actually the Innovations Knitting Machine. It's a handy little thing, but a lot of people complain about dropped stitches on it. I found that if I tension the yarn tight, dropped stitches just don't really happen, even if I'm in a cranking race or something. It churned out an 8 foot long scarf within an hour at lunch. I forgot to bring it back today, but I need to work on DF's sweater if I'm going to stay on track to my finish goal for it. Turns out that on Monday I'll be going to our western KY office, so I'll get about 7 hours of knitting in then while we drive there and back that day. It'll probably make for a rather long day though.
I forgot to take a picture of the scarf last night, but I'll have pictures of it and some other knitting tomorrow.
Knit on...
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Some Knitting, Some Cake Eating

After work, I ran over to see DF's mom since it was her birthday too. I gave her the presents from me and DF and talked with her for a while before running to Walmart to buy two giant skeins of Red Heart. Yeah, I know, Red Heart, but it's for charity knitting. I am making 15 scarves for the men involved in a program for our church called Room in the Inn. I borrowed Jane's cranky tube-maker and I intend to crank out 15 scarves by the next Room in the Inn.
I went to evening SnB after talking to DF on the phone. It was nice to hear him, but I wish I could see him. At least I'll get to visit here sometime soon, so that will be nice. I worked on his sweater and here's where that stands:

Tonight I'm volunteering at the church for this Room in the Inn program. We're taking in 15 homeless men and giving them a place to stay, clean up, and get a good meal. My grandparents have been volunteering for this program at their church for a couple of years now, so I thought I would give it a shot at mine. I think I get laundry duty, so that sounds fairly easy at least. I just want to crank out scarves to give them all since it's rather cold now and I know they could all use them.
Knit on...
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
The Day I Stop Aging
When I got home yesterday from work, I was greeted by a package from Erica in California. I tore open the package, unwrapped each item, and then took this picture.

I also finished another 2 cable repeats on DF's sweater and I worked on the Broad Street Mitten. Let me just say that this pattern reads weird. I'm figuring it out, but it just reads odd and can be hard to figure out where you're going next. Here's what I've got so far:

Today at lunch, I will eat Red Velvet Cake and celebrate with the girls over at ReBelle. This evening I will have key lime pie (WW version for those who wonder) with the SnB at Jane's.
Knit on...
Monday, November 05, 2007
Eating, Hiking, Cleaning, Knitting
Sunday, I cleaned. I cleaned my desk which now looks like this:

I also knit. I got two cable repeats done on DF's sweater.

Speaking of, watching the Amazing Race with my grandparents is not nearly as much fun as with DF. I would comment on "That's Amazing!" and they wouldn't get it. DF, we have too many AR jokes and I need to be watching this with you! :oP I'm taping it for him, so he'll be able to watch it later at least!
Anyways, that's it for today. Tomorrow is my birthday. It also happens to be the birthday that I stop aging. I finally caught up with both my mother and my grandmother, so all is well :oP
Knit on...
Friday, November 02, 2007
Happy Friday
This weekend is about birthday celebrating, at least Saturday is. My grandparents' birthdays (yes, they're the same day) were on Monday this week and my birthday is on Tuesday next week. DF's is on Thursday next week too, so I have to eat extra pancakes for him at the breakfast on Saturday :oP
Pictures on Monday at the latest. Maybe I'll make some good progress on the front of the sweater this weekend too.
Knit on...
Thursday, November 01, 2007
State of the Economy

I drove my new van today to work. It feels weird sitting up that high, but I do have to admit that I like it. I can even see much better in the dark, so maybe I just need that extra height to be able to see better. Anyways, it's a much better ride than anything else I've ever owned and it's certainly a tank.
Finally, I'll leave you with a video of Spooky. The rabbit was doing a very cute playing thing with a quilted ball yesterday, so I had to film it :oP
Knit on...