Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans out there or anyone else who is celebrating the holiday today. There is a lack of pictures from me, obviously. I can't get internet access on my laptop from here because of the way the wires are set up and my flash drive isn't working to transfer pictures from my laptop to my parents' desktop. Oh well. Use your imagination and picture a finished sleeve and a 3/4 finished sleeve. Pretty, aren't they? I'm going to finish up the sweater today I think. It dawned on me too that I might be in trouble. I may run out of projects on this trip. I need to have some knitting for the car on the way home, but if I finish the sweater today, I'll be working on the other socks and mittens in the bag. I'm almost 50% done with those other two projects too.

Thanks goodness for portable gaming devices!

Happy Thanksgiving. It's kinda weird for me this year. This is the first year that DF and I have not spent Thanksgiving together since we've been dating. At least we were able to talk a little this morning and he'll call this evening to say hello too.


Knit on...

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