At least it's something:

Crocheted eyeglasses case. It's not the most elaborate thing I've ever crocheted, but it's functional and it left me enough Amaizing yarn left to make something else. I'm leaning towards a market bag of some sort or something that would do well with one ball of the stuff.
Uh, what Knit Picks order?

This yarn will become Clessidra from Knitty. I also picked up some size 1 harmony wood DPNs so that I can knit on the plane in a week. I can't say where I'm going since it's a surprise, and not that this person reads this blog, but if they did, I don't want the surprise to be spoiled.
I also had another moment of weakness last week:

Yeah, Jimmy Bean Wool had/still has a sale going on for mill-ends of Lorna's Laces. If I had tons of money, I would have gone crazy. Had I not put in the Knit Picks order the day before, I would have gone crazier. Instead, I just picked up two skeins of Shepherd Sock in the Aslan colorway. It does look very lionish I have to admit and I can't wait to turn it into something. You can never have too much Lorna's Laces right?
I also am getting ready to start a new project tomorrow. The Christian Knitters and Crocheters group on Ravelry is having a knit-a-long for March and it's going to be Little Slip of a Thing from Here's the yarn I chose for this project:

It's Cascade 220 wool in a teal and black colorway. The black will be the primary color and the teal will be the square color. I'm looking forward to this project since my last felted bag project created the
Felted Bag from Hell.
That's it for today. On Monday, I'll be celebrating my two-year blogoversary. Yep, it's been two years of knitting, crocheting, ranting, whining, and spinning already! There might even be a celebratory contest going on too.
Yeah, the official blogoversary is tomorrow, but I don't have internet access worth a darn at my house, so we'll just save the festivities for Monday.
Knit on...