This is my knitting blog where I post about general knitting, crocheting, spinning, rants, rambles, life...yeah, you get the picture.
Friday, June 29, 2007
A Nice Day Off
So, since I am at home and have rediculously slow dial-up, there will be no pictures for today. Hopefully I will have a finished slog to show you on Monday. If not, then it'll be really close.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Oh, and updated dragon shawl pictures on Monday! You can see a tail! Woot!
Knit on...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
An Alternate
On Monday night, I went to play poker to try to qualify for the final tournament which is tonight. I would like to be able to play in that tournament because the grand prize is a nice LCD flat screen TV that you can hang on a wall. Of course I drool at those things every time I'm in Best Buy or anywhere else that has them, so to have a 1 in 24 chance of getting one seems good to me. Well, on Monday, they were taking the top two finishers to get in to the tournament automatically. Of course I finished third, but third landed me an alternate seat. So in other words, if someone bails at the last minute, I can play. If not, then I'll go home and do some more knitting.
I also have to have a cavity filled this afternoon. Joy.
Knit on...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Stitching, Bitching, and a Good Riesling
I also worked on the slog. After working on it last night at SnB at Jane's, I threw the pieces on the floor and we all concluded that it looked like a pile of black homespun barf.
Gwen at work yesterday gave me something that just tickled me to death. She had been roller skating in the parking lot at work and I said that I would love to skate again, but since I broke my ankle, rollerblades have just been out of the cards. I told her that if she was out garage sale-ing and found a pair that would fit my ginormous feet, to pick them up and I would skate with her. Well...
At least no one tried to hit on me thinking that I was roller girl. Heather Graham I am not :oP
Knit on...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Back to the Grind
Luanne's main family didn't come to the service. She had an aunt and two cousins who showed up who said that this would be the real service, not the one on Wednesday. They said that Luanne's mom should have been there so she could have heard all the good stories and nice things that were said about Luanne. Looks like a good chunk of people are going to go to the service on Wednesday, so that will be a good thing. Maybe her mom will see then how many people cared for her.
I haven't done much knitting. I've been too busy to do much. I'm almost done with the front panel of the slog and may be done with the first panel by tomorrow. I'm not going to kill myself to try to get it done, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for this project, and I'm very ready to be done so that I can concentrate on the dragon shawl which has remained un-knit-on for the past week or so.
Today is SnB at lunch, so I'm looking forward to that. I brought the Jaywalkers with me so that I could try to finish the heel and start the foot on the first one. Pictures tomorrow.
Knit on...
Friday, June 22, 2007
Slogging, Knitting, Remembering
I had forgotten that I taught her how to knit. She had started a scarf for her mom, but when she told her mom about it, the lady ripped into her about how she didn't need a scarf and that the idea of her knitting was just silly. First, I don't know how you could ever say something like that to your child. Talking with Luanne's friends yesterday, that was just one in a never-ending series of chiding from her mom. Really sad. What's even sadder is that Luanne stopped knitting the day that her mom said that. So, last night, I picked up a couple of dropped stitches that happened back in the scarf and I knit some on it. It gave me a lot of comfort to knit on this some, knowing that it was what Luanne had worked on. I really want to finish the scarf for her. I want her to know that someone wanted this scarf and loved her.
I also slogged.
I'm still aggravated with the homespun. See the color difference? It's not that bad in natural non-camera-flash light, but it's still a different shade. It came from the same dye lot according to the labels...go figure. I'm really hoping to be done with the first front panel by this weekend so that I can start the second panel next week sometime.
The Jaywalkers have sat in my purse the past two days with no progress. Once I finish this panel on the slog, I'll turn the Jaywalker heel and get that moving again.
Go hug your kids if you have some and let them know that you love them and never take for granted anything that you ever give someone. You may be one of the only ones who has ever reached out to them.
Knit on...
Thursday, June 21, 2007
When there are no words...

Great friend, good person, untimely death.
She was 49 years old if my memory serves me right. She had a massive heart attack yesterday morning and left this world. I hope she's doing the haunting of certain people that she always talked about.
She never had it easy. She always struggled with her weight and was embarrassed by it, but when it came to being a friend, she would go out of her way to do whatever she could. When DBF and I had our store, she would come out once a week and we'd sit and eat chocolate malt balls from the candy store next door. She said it was her treat since that mall was so goddamn boring and chocolate would fix that for me.
Within one week, I've lost two coworkers. I worked with Theola, but Luanne I considered to be a good friend. The relationship went beyond work and I hated seeing her destroy her body the way she did. The last month that she was at work, I cooked lunches for me and her so that she wouldn't eat out. It was selfish, but I wanted to make sure that she didn't eat out and that at least I could say that I tried to help her with her problem. I don't think it helped her physically, but maybe mentally she knew that there were people who loved her, even if her family treated her like crap.
Sometimes life sucks. Thank God there's knitting.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Puppies and Yarn
Have I mentioned that I am loving Lorna's Laces? I can see more purchases in my future when I have extra money to blow (savings, pheh, who needs that?!).
I also worked some on the slog. It's progressing a little bit each day. I finished three more repeats.
It's still really hard to see a cable there, but trust me, you can see it when it's not a photograph.
Anyways, on to work. We've got a new temp starting today and I want to get a bunch of crap done before they get here to start.
Knit on...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Back to Work
The Jaywalker is almost to the heel flap part, so I guess I should look up how the pattern goes from there :oP I'm really liking this sock.
Today at lunch, it's SnB time, so I'll drag out the slog and get to work on that. At least I'll get a few stitches done on it and maybe even a pattern repeat. I'll have pictures of that tomorrow.
Knit on...
Monday, June 18, 2007
Short Monday
I'll have a longer post tomorrow with details of the weekend and some knitting pictures. Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Knit on...
Friday, June 15, 2007
Happy Friday
Yesterday I did some knitting and some more spinning. I knit on the slog and it's growing at least. This thing doesn't even warrant good pictures anymore....

I also worked on the jaywalkers a little bit on my breaks. I am fascinated with the gray stripe that is curling its way down the sock.

I also worked some on the dragon shawl last night. I'm up to row 51 now.

I also finished off the woodstock spinning and plied them together. I took a crummy picture of it this morning, but I'll take a better shot when they finish drying and I can put them in a skein.

Knit on...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Spinning As Therapy

Everyone is still down at the office. We're all taking off on Monday to go to the funeral.
So, I'll leave you with a video of Spooky pretending that she's a cat...
Knit on...
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
In Memory
This really came as a shock to me. She was only 44. She had a hernia and was scheduled for surgery in July to repair it, but it ruptured this weekend and infection set in. No one really realized that it was that serious.
Theola would often sit out on breaks with me and comment on my knitting. She was always fascinated with how socks were knit. I have a little of the sockotta cotton left that she was particularly enthralled with, so I think that I will make a tiny sock or two to leave her as a gift. It still hasn't really sunk in that she's gone.
She leaves behind two kids around my age and I know that they must really be grieving since their mom was the center of that family. Keep them in your prayers.
All Better

I also picked up some roving at ReBelle yesterday for that Virtual Vacation Swap that I signed up for. It is hand-dyed and carded by a local artisan and it's 75% wool, 25% soy silk, so that should be nice to spin up.

Gotta go update my stash on Ravelry now. I finally took pictures.
Knit on...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I finally made it in...
At least I won't have to miss SnB Tuesday :oP
Pictures tomorrow of finished socks and slogs.
Knit on...
Monday, June 11, 2007
Birds, A Slog, A Sock, and a Dragon's Tail
Saturday, DBF and I went to a local park and hopped on a paddle boat and played on the lake for a while. We only got slightly sunburned. While there, we did some bird watching. There were tons of ducks everywhere, but one caught my eye almost immediately.

I also did some knitting this weekend. I finished four more cable repeats on the slog.

One other review for you today. Last week on Thursday, I received my invite to check out So, I checked it out to see what it was like. Let me tell you, if you have not put your name on the waitlist for it yet, please, go and do so. I'll wait, so go ahead...
OK, now that you're back, let me tell you about Ravelry and my experience with it so far. The only thing I had any catches with at all when I first started was loading pictures up there since I wasn't too familiar with yet. After a quick email question, I was up and running. The site is amazing. I organized all my projects and then looked and saw who all else was knitting the same thing that I was. It was really cool to see that I'm only the second person on there who is attempting the dragon shawl, and I am one of only a few who have made the MDK After Dark Nightie. It's cool to see that 100+ people have made the baby kimono and the best part? You can see how theirs turned out without having to do a massive blog search. The knitting library is really nice, the pattern finder is incredible, and the whole site just really rocks. Get on the waiting list, you'll be glad you did when you get your invite.
Knit on...
Friday, June 08, 2007
Two Tired People

That is child #1 which would tire anyone out. Of course children do that to me no matter what their age is :oP
It was nice to see them again. We let child #1 run off some steam while Courtney and I talked and her hubby looked up hotels for them to stay at last night.

I worked up to row 25 on the dragon shawl and took this blurry picture. That was my night in a nutshell. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Knit on...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Knitter's Virtual Vacation Swap
For Contest: I live in Kentucky, USA.
1. If you could visit any state in the US, which would it be and why? I'd like to visit California or New York I think since they are both big areas and I've never been before.
2. If you could visit any country in the world, other than your own, which would it be and why? Ireland, because my family is from there.
3. Have you ever driven across several states/providence/countries? I've driven through the Carolinas, Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, and Florida before.
4. Have you ever visited someplace you consider exotic? Where was it? Unless you count growing up in Orlando, Florida exotic, nope.
5. What was your favorite "travel" vacation? Why? I really enjoyed getting to go to Colorado as a kid one summer. I had never seen mountains that size before and I was really awed by that.
6. Have you ever played tourist in your own home city/state (if international, country)? Explain. I lived in Orlando and would play tourist every now and again when people would come visit me.
7. Are you a museum visitor, beach comer or an amusement seeker? All of the above.
8. What's your favorite type of yarn? Sock yarns, but I really like Lorna's Laces or Trekking XXL
9. What's your least favorite type of yarn? Acrylic
10. What items do you like to knit/crochet? I like to try everything at least once. Currently I'm knitting a sloggy sweater, a sock, and some lace. I would like to try a crochet lace doily sometime.
11. What do you pack, knit/crochet wise when you go on vacation? Socks
12. What other crafts do you do/would like to do other than Knit/Crochet? I cross-stitch every now and again. I also am a spinner and would like to try needle felting sometime.
13. Are you allergic to anything? (Yarn wise or treat wise): Any meat (this includes flavorings, especially chicken broth) Stick to vegan treats for me (although I do love milk chocolate)
14. What is your favorite color? Least Favorite? Blues are my favorite color. I really despise pinks and reds mainly because I don't see them very well (red/green colorblind)
15. Sweet or Savory (Treat not personality)? Sweet
16. Anything else we are forgetting to ask that you think your partner desperately needs to know? Can't think of anything off the top of my head. If I do, I'll post it here.
Yep, I did it...

I really like this color of trekking xxl. It's very masculine, but different enough to keep me interested in knitting it.
So, to reward myself for working on all the different things, I worked 15 rows of the dragon shawl.
I have made a pact with myself. I can work as many stitches on the dragon shawl as I work on the slog. If I knit twenty rows on the slog, then I can do the equivalent amount on the dragon shawl. I think that seems fair to me. I may work solely on the sock and the slog tonight though just so that I can make some more headway there. I'm hoping that I can be done with Dad's socks by Monday when my grandmother flies down there so that I can send them home with her.
I got a call last night from my friend Courtney too. She may be popping in town for lunch today while they are on their way up to see relatives, so that would be nice. I haven't seen her kid in two years too, so I'm willing to bet that he has grown some, huh?
Knit on...
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Lacy Karma

Oh, and if you see karma somewhere, give her a good kick in the arse for me...
Knit on...
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Random Tuesday

Monday, June 04, 2007
My Computer Lives

Dad's started sock. I really like this Trekking colorway since it is very masculine, but stripey enough to keep me entertained and not bore me to death. The sock has already doubled in size courtesy of lunchtime knitting.
My computer did have a virus on there, but it also had some switch turned on that would keep me from getting internet access. The computer guy at work fixed it and put on some new anti-virus software for me (DBF, I'll hook you up so you can get rid of that stupid Panda message thing) that caught the dumb thing. At least now I know that it is all OK.
And on the bright side, the computer didn't need to be stripped. It would have sucked to back up 6 gigs of Itunes if it came to that...
Knit on...
Why Do I Have 100 GB Again?
The reason I am even mentioning this is because I couldn't get my pictures to download from my camera to my computer this morning. I finished my grandma's socks and started a new pair for my dad for father's day. I also went out last night and purchased the book Victorian Lace Today. Emily had recommended the book and after thumbing through it last night at the bookstore, I can see why. They really have some good shawls and other lacy tidbits in there and I saw many things that I would like to make. I also got an email from my LYS saying that my special order of Helen's Lace is in. Now I'm drooling over the prospect of starting that dragon shawl. I need to finish the slog first though.
It wouldn't hurt if I cast on for it though, would it? :oP
Knit on...
Friday, June 01, 2007
Happy Friday

I should meet my goal of being done with it by today, so that's good. I've got a ton to do at work today, so I'm off. have a good weekend!
Knit on...