Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Movie I Have Waited For A Very Long Time To Be Made...

I will go out and buy the DVD, but I sure hope it's better than the rough trailer is looking. I have been hooked on Dragonlance since I was a teenager, so I was excited when they said they would be making a movie of Dragons of Autumn Twilight. When I heard it was animated, I was skeptical. When I listened to the music on the site, I was excited. When I saw the animation, I was skeptical. It releases January 15, so I suppose I will find out whether it's any good, or whether the fact that Lucy Lawless referred to Goldmoon as a Native American when she is actually a Plainswoman (yeah, I'm a Dragonlance nerd and it bugged me) will affect her voicing of a classic character, or whether Keifer Sutherland will give Raistlin's voice some justice, because that animated Raistlin kinda scared me. Anyways, there's a movie.


Janis said...

Whoa.... seeing the trailer, I am skeptical. The animation is kind of blah. The 3D effects are very obviously not integrated with the look of the 2D animation. I dunno.

I definitely would have wet my pants for this during junior high and high school. Now... I'm skeptical.

Cyndilou :) said...

Ooh, intriguing. I love this part of the Dragonlance series (to tell you the truth, the four books of the Chronicles are the only DL books I've read all the way through and I do own that series) so I'll be interested in checking out the movie. Thanks for mentioning it! (...and yes, Ms. Lawless is a bit of an idiot for referring to Goldmoon as a Native American. Just because someone wears leather and eagle feathers on the cover of a book does not mean they translate to our world.)