OK, here's a mini gallery of a couple of hats I've made. They're both crocheted. the first one is felted and the second is wool that will not be felted. I call the second one my elf hat. I gave it away since it clashed with my hair :oP
For the update, I'm almost done with the last sleeve for my knitting olympics sweater. I'm just an angstylvanian who likes to be late, what can I say? I'll post my olympic flake icon when I get the thing done.
My NCAA team won last night, so that was good. Go Big Blue! Tonight is Survivor night, so looking forward to that. I still haven't decided who my pick will be. Whoever I pick for Survivor usually gets voted off that night. Amazing Race seems to be different. I've picked the first place teams the past two seasons. So far I like Danny and Lori, but I also like the two Puerto Rican women. We'll see.
Well, I better get to work.
Knit on....
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